Never mind the Web Summit peripherals – feel the contentSummit’s usual initial vast confusion reigns in the RDS, especially for speakers and mediaWed Nov 04 2015 - 08:45
Web Summit: fantastic and frustrating in equal measureSummit is fantastic for its speaker line-up; frustrating, because the majority of the talks and panels are a dinky 20 minutes longTue Nov 03 2015 - 10:43
Security remains biggest concern says Oracle founderLarry Ellison says ability to turn off security features in software makes no senseFri Oct 30 2015 - 09:33
Oracle tech business looks set to remain overwhelmingly dominantAfter years of aggressive acquisitions, the company is huge, with more than 130,000 employees worldwideThu Oct 29 2015 - 01:02
Oracle keeps European data within its EU-based data centres*Company says certain cloud operations may require access from engineering resources in other regionsWed Oct 28 2015 - 10:16
Oracle chief Mark Hurd warns companies on market expectationsTech boss tells OpenWorld forum firms may not be ready for demands of internet generationMon Oct 26 2015 - 19:28
Larry Ellison mocks IBM, SAP for being ‘nowhere in the cloud’Oracle founder says transition to ‘new era of utility computing’ is still slowMon Oct 26 2015 - 17:17
Intel and Oracle team up for new cloud-based technologiesTech giants partner for ‘Project Apollo,’ which will offer enhanced solutionsMon Oct 26 2015 - 17:07
Getting a glimpse of the people who run the internetWithout set of governing standards, internet’s global platform could fractureThu Oct 22 2015 - 01:00
Internet governance body will not police content on the internetIcann has come under increasing pressure to step in and shut down websites or censor contentTue Oct 20 2015 - 18:05
Minister confirms support for internet governance transferAlex White says Ireland ‘firmly’ backs US handover of domain name managementMon Oct 19 2015 - 21:14
Internet governing body ICANN meets in DublinICANN in squabbles over whether it is ready to operate independently of US oversightMon Oct 19 2015 - 07:23
Merit of Web Summit complaints lost in self-important blusterComment: Public dispute does no favours to Government, summit organisers or DublinFri Oct 16 2015 - 19:33
Fadi Chehadé, overseer of the global internet piazzaIcann chief: an open meeting in Dublin next week has huge, divisive issues to debateThu Oct 15 2015 - 07:35
Wishful thinking guiding privacy policies after Schrems rulingMany of the 4,500 companies that relied on Safe Harbour are left a in a legal quandaryThu Oct 15 2015 - 01:00
NetSuite’s Dublin data centre will be its largest outside the USIrish base is first move in cloud-based software company’s European expansionMon Oct 12 2015 - 08:00
ECJ ruling on Irish privacy case has huge significanceKarlin Lillington: ECJ has jolted US government into taking EU’s privacy stance seriouslyThu Oct 08 2015 - 01:00
Data transfer case: Commerce will not falter but data centres will profitCostly technical solutions will be found to comply with the ruling in Schrems caseWed Oct 07 2015 - 01:01
US software firm NetSuite to open data centre in DublinFirm will partner with Telecity to provide data centre services to European customersTue Oct 06 2015 - 12:34
Net Results: Business awards are great inspirers – and levellersCongratulations to every company with the pluck to place itself under scrutiny of judgesThu Oct 01 2015 - 01:00
Karlin Lillington: Facebook case has huge implications for US-EU businessSafe Harbour is, and always has been, a joke. It needs to be replacedThu Sept 24 2015 - 01:00
‘Dancing baby’ can lead the way on Irish copyright lawThe Lenz v Universal case has been slowly making its way through California’s courtsThu Sept 17 2015 - 12:06
Overuse of word ‘entrepreneur’ has leached it of all meaningPeople who call themselves an entrepreneur these days are likely to be anything butThu Sept 10 2015 - 06:30
ICANN: The internet admins come to DublinThe non-profit group with oversight for the internet is trying to become more globalisedThu Sept 03 2015 - 10:00
Sexist stereotyping of Yahoo chief Marissa Mayer’s pregnancyDouble standards when it comes to lives of female executivesThu Sept 03 2015 - 06:30
Benefits of R&D projects that link third-level with industryProponents argue it attracts foreign direct investment and makes graduates more employableMon Aug 31 2015 - 09:00
‘Failure is grand’: the big, fat cliche that isn’t even trueThose now successful founders are not rushing to hire in people who made a mess of their previous companiesThu Aug 27 2015 - 01:00
Data handling key to corporate valueMergers, takeovers and other company sales are hinging on data-compliance and security issuesThu Aug 20 2015 - 07:00
Asylum-seeking students are valuable for our futureThe case of Anna Kern, the Leaving Cert high-flier, shows the need for reformThu Aug 20 2015 - 01:01
Google name change makes sense for a massive businessGoogle now part of Alphabet but much of the internet functionality still centres on itThu Aug 13 2015 - 01:00
Changing how female students see a career in technologyThe Ada Lovelace Initiative aims to change female students’ perspectives on tech sectorWed Aug 12 2015 - 09:00
Nothing ages you more than a dig through your tech pastThings that once made a geek heart beat faster now seem comically old and uselessThu Aug 06 2015 - 06:30
A very serious issue lies behind the ‘killer robots’ mockeryDeveloping autonomous weapons is not just the stuff of Hollywood summer blockbustersThu Jul 30 2015 - 01:00
Internet body pushes for domain owners’ names to be made publicControversial proposals would restrict ability to keep addresses, email contacts and phone numbers privateThu Jul 23 2015 - 07:45
Ashley Madison affair: When technology meets security risk meets stupidThe ‘terror’ a cheating spouse experiences as they fear being found out is not remotely equatable with suicide bombings or crashing a planeThu Jul 23 2015 - 06:45
Is Facebook facing up to privacy and security concerns?Facebook is moving to rebuild users’ trust, say two of its top privacy and security officersThu Jul 16 2015 - 09:00
Big benefits for all from UK’s Seed Enterprise Investment SchemeMore people have become interested in start-up investment schemes where smaller investments of €5,000 to €10,000 are pooledThu Jul 16 2015 - 07:00
Ireland’s regulatory reputation encouraged Facebook HQIreland also had the right skillsets in its population, says Facebook privacy officerThu Jul 09 2015 - 16:53
Sharing information about attacks will be key in the future of cybersecurityGovernments and business should collate their data to prevent attacks and limit terrorist recruitment onlineThu Jul 09 2015 - 01:45
Still just talking about EU-wide smartphone alert systemEmergency alerts in US expand from radio and television to mobile phonesThu Jul 09 2015 - 01:02
Keeping bandwidth neutral will help facilitate innovationThere should not be a fast lane and a slow lane for delivery of services to internet usersThu Jul 02 2015 - 06:38
Google ‘committed’ to transparency on user access to personal dataTech company evolving its approach to last year’s European Court of Justice rulingThu Jul 02 2015 - 01:00
Maverick BitCoin currency overcoming its image problemMainstream finance and venture capital beginning to take cryptocurrency seriouslyThu Jun 25 2015 - 01:35
The battle between surveillance, security and the right to privacyThe bargain you make, again and again, with various companies is surveillance in exchange for free serviceThu Jun 18 2015 - 01:55
Farewell Mary Mulvihill, great champion of Irish scienceScience writer leaves an outstanding , accessible historical legacy of Irish technologyThu Jun 18 2015 - 01:00
A world where cyberwarfare is the weaponThe Stuxnet worm, used by the US in Iran, showed the power of a targeted network attackThu Jun 11 2015 - 02:00
Gone in 224 seconds: the perfect pitch by start-upsStart-ups’ slide presentations should last just under four minutes, Harvard study findsThu Jun 11 2015 - 01:00
Graduates must bridge divide between arts and scienceFocus on science and technology to the detriment of arts and humanities is a big mistakeThu Jun 04 2015 - 15:59
Manufacturing shifts up a gear with internet of thingsIreland is well-placed for Manufacturing 4.0 as products feed data back to the factoryThu Jun 04 2015 - 01:55
Investment by private equity in EU companies rises to five-year highIreland joint fifth in Europe when singling out venture capital investment as a percentage of GDPThu May 28 2015 - 01:50