Coronavirus: 16 tips to help you cope in the new world we live inAccept the new reality, exercise each day, limit social media use and moreSun Mar 29 2020 - 06:01
‘Should I be more blunt with my 13-year-old about her weight problem?’Ask the Expert: I am overweight myself I don’t want her to go through the same thingSun Mar 22 2020 - 06:01
Coronavirus: John Sharry on how to explain the need for social distancing to young childrenWith Covid-19, the key is to show children how they are helping others by their actionsFri Mar 20 2020 - 06:01
My four kids are always fighting and life is a constant struggleYou can’t look after your children unless you first look after yourself as a parentSun Mar 08 2020 - 06:01
How to talk to children about coronavirusJohn Sharry on the best way to approach a family conversation about Covid-19Tue Mar 03 2020 - 10:21
My husband is acting like an extra child in the familyAsk the expert: He’s a great father but he often gets locked in arguments with our daughterSun Feb 23 2020 - 09:54
I think my son is smoking cannabis. What should I do?Ask the expert: I’m concerned about how to raise it with him in case he flies off the handleTue Feb 11 2020 - 06:01
My teenager can’t bear the sound of us chewing at dinnerIt’s awful for her that she feels this way and, of course, is bad for our family dinnersSun Jan 26 2020 - 12:00
Be self-compassionate and realistic with your new year’s resolutionsJohn Sharry gives a three-step weekly journal exercise to help you focus on goalsSun Jan 19 2020 - 16:01
My children’s constant criticism of the food I cook is really dishearteningAsk the expert: My eldest has always been negative, but now the two young ones are joining inSun Jan 12 2020 - 06:01
My six-year-old’s constant tantrums are very stressfulAsk the expert: He cries, kicks and screams at the slightest thing and seems exhausted all the timeSun Dec 29 2019 - 14:30
My 11-year-old is too anxious to sleep by himselfHe can’t cope without one of us staying with him all night and gets distressed even if we just leave to go to the bathroomSun Dec 15 2019 - 16:01
‘My 12-year-old son is looking up porn. What should I do?’Ask the Expert: ‘A classmate showed it to him at a party, should I tell the boy’s parents?’Sun Dec 01 2019 - 12:50
Talking to children and teenagers about the climate emergencyFor starters, make sure you are well informed and facing up to the crises yourselfSun Nov 17 2019 - 16:01
How to cope with the grief that comes with the world’s ecological crisisChanging World, Changing Minds: Eco-grief and preserving the natural worldSun Nov 10 2019 - 16:01
Climate crisis: Channelling anger into constructive actionChanging world, changing minds:Sun Nov 03 2019 - 16:01
How to turn climate-change denial into acceptance and actionDenial makes us feel better in the short term but is not the way to deal with problemsSun Oct 27 2019 - 16:01
Eco-anxiety: Climate breakdown is taking its toll on people’s mental healthChanging World, Changing Minds: Understanding our emotional response to the climate emergencySun Oct 20 2019 - 16:01
‘We are having meltdowns in the mornings before going to school’Ask the expert: Sometimes he says he is sick and it’s a big battle to get him out the doorSun Oct 06 2019 - 16:01
‘It’s a struggle getting my daughter to school every day’Ask the expert: Separation anxiety during the first year of primary school is very commonSun Sept 29 2019 - 16:01
‘My 20-week-old baby is not sleeping and I’ve tried everything’Ask the expert: The goal of sleep training is to teach your son how to self-sootheSun Sept 22 2019 - 16:01
‘Our toddler prefers his dad to me. I feel like a bad mother’My husband is a stay-at-home dad while I work long hours. I feel guilty about not being thereSun Sept 15 2019 - 16:01
My 20-month-old daughter punched me when I said ‘no’ to herAsk the Expert: I hope this is a phase she is going through but worry it might get worseSun Sept 08 2019 - 16:01
‘My son spent the whole summer playing video games’Ask the Expert: ‘It has been difficult to get him to leave the house. What can I do?’Sun Sept 01 2019 - 16:01
My 14-year-old daughter complains about being tired all the timeHer problems started when she became very sick with flu. Could it be linked to a vaccine?Sun Aug 25 2019 - 16:01
My son had a panic attack and is now always worried about getting sickI’m not much help as I suffer with bad anxiety myself and feel terrible I have passed it on to himSun Aug 18 2019 - 16:01
Leaving Cert: What to say to a person who gets disappointing resultsA child’s worst fear may be disappointing their parents, so don’t confirm that they haveTue Aug 13 2019 - 05:30
‘My son has a nut allergy and I find it all very stressful to manage’He asked me if nuts could kill him and when I hesitated went into a panicSun Jul 21 2019 - 16:01
Is it okay to give our coeliac daughter an occasional non-gluten-free treat?She’s only seven and I worry if denying her a small amount of the food she craves will cause long-term food issuesSun Jul 14 2019 - 16:01
‘Our 15-year-old daughter has started to drink and it’s causing rows’We’re not allowing her to go to places where drinking is involved but don’t want the summer ruined for all of us by constant argumentsSun Jul 07 2019 - 16:01
‘My 14-year-old daughter wants lip fillers’Ask the Expert: ‘She doesn’t understand why I’m saying no and I’m worried she is seeing herself in a negative way’Sun Jun 30 2019 - 16:01
‘My five-year-old was traumatised losing a baby tooth’Ask the Expert: I told her about the tooth fairy and this seemed to only terrify her moreSun Jun 23 2019 - 16:01
My son (14) has Down syndrome and is hugging people inappropriatelyIf I’m honest I think there was something a bit sexual about one hug with a girlSun Jun 16 2019 - 16:01
Our 12-year-old is torn about which school to go toShe has become really upset and overwhelmed. Hormones are not helping mattersSun Jun 09 2019 - 16:01
How can I keep my 14-year-old occupied over the summer?Ask the Expert: The key is for you and your son to map out the next three monthsMon Jun 03 2019 - 12:00
‘My 13-year-old son wants to start drinking . . . and wants me to pay for it’Ask the expert: The earlier teenagers start to drink alcohol the greater the risk of later problemsSun Jun 02 2019 - 16:01
My seven-year-old bursts into tears when I try to discipline herAsk the Expert: She appears to over-react and get upset and has written me an apology noteSun May 26 2019 - 16:01
My teen daughter has become really anxious about climate changeAcknowledge her feelings of anxiety and worry and how understandable they areSun May 19 2019 - 16:01
Our toddler has become clingy and suffers separation anxiety after birth of new babyAsk the Expert: She became very upset when we left her with a new childminder and now won’t even stay with her grandparentsSun May 12 2019 - 16:01
‘My one-year-old won’t sleep in his cot and ends up in our bed’‘There is no one right way to approach sleep problems and a lot depends on what you want as parents’Sun May 05 2019 - 22:19
How do I stop my boy putting his hands down his pants?Ask the Expert: He doesn’t even notice he’s doing it but even his teacher has commentedSun Apr 28 2019 - 16:01
Lying and ‘spying’ on social media linked to low self-esteemSign of the Times: Irish survey is latest to link poor mental health with use of technologySat Apr 27 2019 - 06:00
How can we train our eight-month-old to get back to sleep by herself?She has started waking up constantly during the night and I am becoming exhaustedSun Apr 21 2019 - 16:01
My 5-year-old wants a sleepover with a friend – is she too young?Ask the Expert: Should I let it go ahead or hold my ground until she is older?Sun Apr 14 2019 - 16:01
My son will not use the toilet and will poo only when wearing a nappyRushing toilet training or adding parental pressure can easily backfireSun Apr 07 2019 - 16:01
My teenage daughter’s social media use has become really obsessiveAsk the Expert: I am really worried about her obsessive behaviour. What can I do?Tue Apr 02 2019 - 07:01
My 16-year-old has become obsessed with make-upAs her dad I should probably stay out of it but I’m worried about how insecure she must beSun Mar 24 2019 - 16:01
My 15-year-old daughter is fighting with everyone all the timeOur household has become very tense how can we improve things?Sun Mar 17 2019 - 16:01
My son gets anxious and worked up about things and this worries meAsk the Expert: ‘His anxiety does wear on me and sometimes I react impatiently’Sun Mar 10 2019 - 16:01
Should I tell my son about his diagnoses?Ask the Expert: I worry do we need to get him further assessed or to address the psychiatrist’s reportTue Mar 05 2019 - 06:01