Mock Dáil produces a government of national unity - and it only took 90 minutesPublic voting experiment in Dublin explores feasibility of electing a powersharing governmentSun Apr 24 2016 - 17:04
Fantasy Dáil: Power-sharing to be tested in voting experimentPublic invited to take part in role play to elect ‘government of national unity’ on SaturdayThu Apr 21 2016 - 08:10
Unthinkable: Is all this remembering such a good idea?The difference between the reality of the men of 1916 and the way they are being used is ‘enormous’, says David RieffTue Apr 19 2016 - 08:53
Unthinkable: How can scientists disagree on basic ‘facts’?An astrophysicist and a philosopher have teamed up to examine how experts disagreeTue Apr 12 2016 - 09:10
Joe Humphreys: Stop kidding yourself, you have no human rightsNext time you bleat about your right to something think about what’s being done in your name in the MediterraneanFri Apr 08 2016 - 12:00
Executions globally hit 26-year high, warns AmnestySurge in death penalty in Pakistan, Iran and Saudia Arabia but China remains ‘world’s top executioner’Wed Apr 06 2016 - 10:51
Unthinkable: Does religion have a problem with women?Rigid notions of masculinity continue to cause a crisis in Islamic communities, says Dr Amanullah de SondyTue Apr 05 2016 - 06:00
Life, death and faith: approaching the unanswerableJoe Humphreys reviews books by five authors – a philosopher, a literary legend, a humanist, a former priest and a doctor – tackling that age-old question: is this it?Thu Mar 31 2016 - 10:00
Unthinkable: Could we make a computer trip on acid?Computers will never have human consciousness unless they have our foibles too, argues author Andrew SmartTue Mar 29 2016 - 10:02
Unthinkable: Why did the bust make us feel less European?The rise of nationalism in Europe and the US is a response to failures of internationalism, suggests sociologist Neil FligsteinTue Mar 22 2016 - 01:00
Unthinkable: Is ‘living in the now’ such a good idea?The mindfulness industry tells us to ‘be in the present’ but is that meaningful or desirable, asks philosopher Seán Enda PowerTue Mar 15 2016 - 01:00
Unthinkable: Can silence be used to fight injustice?A person’s silence can send a powerful challenge to interpret it, says author Hugo SlimTue Mar 08 2016 - 01:00
Democracy 2.0: Five steps to give power back to the peopleAs the parties pick over the results of Ireland’s general election, critics say that our blunt majority-rule system is an outdated form of governmentThu Mar 03 2016 - 12:45
Unthinkable: Is ‘higher education for all’ based on a lie?Nietzsche believed expanding college access peddled the lie that all students were equally capableTue Mar 01 2016 - 01:00
Unthinkable: Do we have a duty to look after ourselves?Neglecting your health is immoral, said Kant: Trinity philosopher Alice Pinheiro Walla explains whyTue Feb 23 2016 - 06:00
Joe Humphreys: Church has no reason to fear secularismPenny slow to drop among Catholic Church in Ireland on issue of school patronageTue Feb 23 2016 - 01:36
Unthinkable: Why are some parents spooked by vaccines?A combination of fear and distrust fuels the anti-vaccine movement, suggests American academic Eula BissTue Feb 16 2016 - 08:00
Unthinkable: Is Islam compatible with human rights law?A Trinity scholar warns against generalising about a population of 1.6 billionTue Feb 09 2016 - 06:43
Unthinkable: How do you judge good art from bad?‘The best art affects you as an individual,’ says art theorist Hugh MossTue Feb 02 2016 - 06:00
Unthinkable: How many emotions can one person feel?Poets rather than scientists are best-placed to explain our feelings, says ‘emotional archivist’ Tiffany Watt SmithTue Jan 26 2016 - 07:00
Unthinkable: Can a steak tax tackle climate change?Food ethics has more to do with property rights than what we eat, says American philosopher Paul B ThompsonTue Jan 19 2016 - 06:00
Plato at the Googleplex: Why Philosophy Won’t Go Away, by Rebecca Newberger GoldsteinCarefully researched and written with delightful verve and imagination, it captures the full scope and spirit of Plato’s dialogues, and injects real life into old argumentsTue Jan 12 2016 - 07:00
Unthinkable: Is it unethical to take brain stimulants?‘Smart drugs’ pose dilemmas for students and academics, says an NUI Galway academicTue Jan 12 2016 - 06:00
Students to explore ‘life’s big questions’ in new Philosophy courseJunior Cycle course seeks to promote the benefits of ‘changing one’s mind’Mon Jan 11 2016 - 16:35
Revealed: non-progression rates for higher education coursesIrish Times figures show numbers failing to progress beyond first-year in each courseMon Jan 11 2016 - 16:05
Concern over drop-out rates in computer science coursesUp to 80% of students in some courses are failing to progress to second yearMon Jan 11 2016 - 11:39
Stressed students ill-informed about choicesLack of maths blamed for non-progression rates in computer science and engineeringMon Jan 11 2016 - 09:01
Joe Humphreys: Why Irish atheists still need the Catholic ChurchThe church in Ireland promotes fundamental values and provides the basic unit of communityWed Jan 06 2016 - 01:00
Catholic trust got concessions from State before divesting schoolChristian Brothers trust clashed with department officials, documents showThu Dec 17 2015 - 11:00
Unthinkable: Why your first kiss will stay real foreverEinstein suggests life events are an eternal part of the universe, says Daniel DeasyTue Dec 15 2015 - 06:00
Unthinkable: Is science being skewed by a gender bias?The status of women in science is distorting not just academia but knowledge itself, says Helen de CruzMon Dec 14 2015 - 10:21
Unthinkable: Are Irish people becoming ‘less black’?Whiteness is as much frame of mind as skin colouring, says Linda Martín AlcoffThu Dec 10 2015 - 10:32
Unthinkable: Are scientists wrong to dismiss astrology?Philosopher (and Capricorn) Martin Cohen says star signs deserve a serious lookTue Dec 01 2015 - 00:00
Men, Toilets or Philosophy: Which to celebrate today?Thursday is ‘feast day’ for three good causes - but only philosophers are really persecutedThu Nov 19 2015 - 19:35
Unthinkable: His poetry’s great but could WB Yeats think straight?Yeats engaged in ‘cultural mutiny’ against the encroachment of scienceSun Nov 15 2015 - 06:00
Unthinkable: Is it ethical to send your children to private schools?Students and parents have duty to challenge unfairness in education system, argues Dr Audrey BryanTue Nov 10 2015 - 06:00
Trinity pays consultants €2.8m for ‘change management’Seven universities spent more than €24.6m on external consultants in three-year periodMon Nov 09 2015 - 01:00
Unthinkable: Would you want to live in the afterlife?Author Raymond Tallis imagines himself as a corpse and discovers new wonder for lifeTue Nov 03 2015 - 06:00
Unthinkable: What makes humans valuable if not God?You can’t escape religious or metaphysical thinking, argues William DesmondTue Oct 27 2015 - 06:00
Fianna Fáil to offer low-interest student loans if electedThird-level proposals include postgraduate grants and a four-week limit on internshipsMon Oct 26 2015 - 01:00
Parents’ group voices concern over school closure threatTeachers in dispute over Lansdowne Road pay deal and Junior Cycle reformFri Oct 23 2015 - 16:58
Vetting legislation needed to clear way for ‘fitness to teach’ hearingsTeaching Council says it is ready to start investigations of poor performanceFri Oct 23 2015 - 11:23
Asti warns of possible school closures in pay deal disputeUnion chief Pat King warns teachers could forfeit up to €6,700 in increments over stanceFri Oct 23 2015 - 01:00
Asti leadership crisis sparked warning over pay disputeUnion shows no signs of backing down but it’s unclear if teachers have stomach for fightFri Oct 23 2015 - 01:00
Trinity College Dublin and UCD make THE Top 100TCD 74th in Arts and Humanities, UCD 99th in Clinical, Pre-Clinical and Health sciencesWed Oct 21 2015 - 18:48
Urgent need for fitness to teach hearings, ombudsman saysInquiries would improve accountability in education, Oireachtas committee hearsWed Oct 21 2015 - 18:01
Merger of institutes of technology clears first hurdleMinister approves application for technological university for Connacht and UlsterWed Oct 21 2015 - 14:43
DCU to create new institutes in war, water and ‘future journalism’ under €300m planUniversity seeks to double student numbers by 2029Wed Oct 21 2015 - 14:32
Unthinkable: When does a nudge become coercion?The man behind Obama’s ‘nudge unit’ says people need to be protected from their biasesTue Oct 20 2015 - 16:37