Stress will be main cause of workplace illness by 2020Stress will become the biggest cause of workplace ill-health by 2020, it was claimed yesterday amid calls for employers to take…Wed Jul 27 2005 - 01:00
Theatre duo wins hands down for resilienceThe Abbey may be flagging, but the same can't be said for another national theatrical institution.Wed Jul 27 2005 - 01:00
Iraqi insurgents guilty of crimes against humanity, says AmnestyIRAQI: Armed groups fighting against the US-led force in Iraq are guilty of crimes against humanity and should be brought to…Mon Jul 25 2005 - 01:00
Andrews to report on famine threat facing NigerChairman of the Irish Red Cross David Andrews will travel to Niger this week as Irish aid agencies step up their relief efforts…Mon Jul 25 2005 - 01:00
Workers subjected to 'intimidation'Workers at Aer Lingus have been subjected to "psychological warfare" and "intimidation" over the past year under a management…Thu Jul 21 2005 - 01:00
Society should back those 'fighting for the underdog'Ireland should better cherish people in education and other sectors who are "fighting for the underdog", the governor of Mountjoy…Thu Jul 21 2005 - 01:00
HSE denies almost 500 beds closed due to underfundingThe Health Service Executive has denied claims by the Irish Nurses' Organisation that there are almost 500 beds closed within…Wed Jul 20 2005 - 01:00
Girl (12) among three dead in drowning incidentsThe Irish Water Safety Association (IWSA) has called for increased vigilance among fishermen and swimmers after three people …Wed Jul 20 2005 - 01:00
EPA says Wicklow dump now polluting local waterAn illegal dump on lands owned by Roadstone in Blessington, Co Wicklow, is starting to contaminate the local ground water supply…Wed Jul 20 2005 - 01:00
Islamic leader seeks Muslim unity hereScholars and spiritual leaders in the Islamic community in Ireland have been urged to co-operate more with one another in order…Mon Jul 18 2005 - 01:00
Landmark makes way for regenerationDublin City Council felled the last 10 mature trees on O'Connell Street yesterday evening despite continuing objections from …Wed Jul 13 2005 - 01:00
NRA may drop objection to motorway servicesThe National Roads Authority (NRA) may revoke its policy of objecting to the construction of service stations along motorway …Wed Jul 13 2005 - 01:00
Bray Head cliff walk reopens after path moved back from coastOne of the most picturesque cliff walks on the east coast will officially reopen today following the completion of remedial works…Sat Jul 09 2005 - 01:00
Gardaí call off Dalkey search for buried babyGardaí have called off the search for the body of a baby boy allegedly buried in the garden of a house in Dalkey, Co Dublin, …Fri Jul 08 2005 - 01:00
Political and religious leaders worldwide condemn atrocityWorld reaction: Political and religious leaders from across the globe, from Pope Benedict to the heads of Palestinian Islamic…Fri Jul 08 2005 - 01:00
Religious leaders deplore outrage, express sympathy to victimsReligious reaction: The Catholic hierarchy and members of the Islamic community in Ireland were among those to express their…Fri Jul 08 2005 - 01:00
Dublin teenager dies of stab wounds after brawlGardaí are appealing for witnesses to a street fight in Ballyfermot, west Dublin, on Tuesday night in which a 19-year-old man…Thu Jul 07 2005 - 01:00
Criticism of live-in services for cocaine addicts rejectedThe Minister of State with responsibility for the National Drugs Strategy has rejected criticism of a lack of residential services…Thu Jul 07 2005 - 01:00
Study highlights extent of Irish cocaine problemProblems arising from cocaine use are particularly acute in inner-city Dublin, Cork and the northeast, a new study on the impact…Wed Jul 06 2005 - 01:00
Port company rejects 'sweetheart deal' claimsDublin Port Company has rejected claims that it engaged in a "sweetheart deal" with a group of private developers by facilitating…Sat Jul 02 2005 - 01:00
Gardaí asked to examine claims of abuse by nunsThe Minister for Justice has asked the Garda Commissioner to examine claims by a Dublin woman that she was physically and sexually…Sat Jul 02 2005 - 01:00
Blood bank hopeful of new test for vCJD shortlyThe Irish Blood Transfusion Service said yesterday it hoped to be able to introduce a blood test for vCJD, the human form of …Sat Jul 02 2005 - 01:00
Relatives of the imprisoned call for boycott and vow to block 'this rotten gas'The relatives of some of the five men jailed this week amid protests over the construction of the Corrib gas pipeline have urged…Fri Jul 01 2005 - 01:00
Million expected to attend London gigsThe big event Twenty years after their heartfelt plea to "feed the world", Bono, Bob Geldof and a host of other music stars …Fri Jul 01 2005 - 01:00
Solicitors to press for inquiry on Dalkey babiesSolicitors acting for the woman at the centre of a Garda investigation into the deaths of two children in Dalkey, Co Dublin, …Thu Jun 30 2005 - 01:00
It's official: Irish more satisfied with their lot than the average EuropeanIrish people are considerably more optimistic and more satisfied with life than the average European, according to a new quality…Thu Jun 30 2005 - 01:00
Reluctance to discuss adoption option - reportNew research into adoption in Ireland has identified a "reluctance" among counsellors and other health professionals to discuss…Wed Jun 29 2005 - 01:00
Tributes paid to music collector and renowned Dublin balladeerTributes have been paid to the renowned Dublin singer and music collector Frank Harte who died this week aged 72.Wed Jun 29 2005 - 01:00
Parents who give children for adoption to get rights on accessThe Government will publish legislation in the autumn giving parents who give up children for adoption a right to retain access…Wed Jun 29 2005 - 01:00
Churches urge big turnout at poverty rallyLeaders from all the main Christian churches in Ireland have urged people to turn out in force for tomorrow's Make Poverty History…Wed Jun 29 2005 - 01:00
Makers of Haughey series deny biasThe makers of the RTÉ television series on the life of Charles JMon Jun 27 2005 - 01:00
Immigrant groups here more fragmentedGroups working with immigrants and "new ethnic minorities" in the Republic are more fragmented and less involved in decision-…Sat Jun 25 2005 - 01:00
Garda chief and Minister deny rift rumoursMinister for Justice Michael McDowell has dismissed as "malicious, unfounded, rumour-mongering" suggestions that he might seek…Sat Jun 25 2005 - 01:00
Conman held over Dublin hotel theftA notorious international conman suspected of stealing cash and jewellery from a five-star hotel in Dublin last week has been…Fri Jun 24 2005 - 01:00
Groceries Order 'fair deal' urgedThe chairwoman of the Consumer Strategy Group (CSG) has called for a compromise on the question of abolishing the Groceries Order…Thu Jun 23 2005 - 01:00
Wicklow council waste permit inquiryMinister for the Environment Dick Roche has appointed a local government auditor to investigate claims that Wicklow County Council…Thu Jun 23 2005 - 01:00
Ombudsman calls for plain English in official formsConvoluted and stylised "institution speak" is limiting people's access to public services, the Ombudsman and Information Commissioner…Wed Jun 22 2005 - 01:00
Joint Icross/RCSI research projectsSolar disinfection: Icross/RCSI demonstrated that using sunlight to disinfect drinking water significantly reduced the chance…Tue Jun 21 2005 - 01:00
Aids vaccine likely within 10 years, says expertA vaccine for Aids could be available within a decade if recent progress in medical research is sustained, Prof Robert Gallo, …Sat Jun 18 2005 - 01:00
Dublin and regions price gap narrowsThe price gap between Dublin and the rest of the country for basic goods and services is narrowing, according to a new report…Fri Jun 17 2005 - 01:00
Father relieved as siege children are safeThe father of two Irish children held hostage in a kindergarten in Cambodia yesterday has spoken of his relief at their safe …Fri Jun 17 2005 - 01:00
'Hardcore lunatics' get the plum roles in low-key BloomsdayUp to 20,000 people turned up to see Philip Mullen perform last year for the Bloomsday centenaryFri Jun 17 2005 - 01:00
Woman hit by Garda car in Clonskeagh diesGardaí have intensified their investigation into last month's collision between a Garda patrol car and a pedestrian in Clonskeagh…Thu Jun 16 2005 - 01:00
Roma children not getting education in Ireland, report findsHundreds of Roma children are failing to get an education in Ireland because of fears over deportation and inadequate family …Thu Jun 16 2005 - 01:00
Painkiller users advised not to panic on findingsDoctors have advised people not to panic over fears about the safety of one of Ireland's most popular painkillers which has been…Sat Jun 11 2005 - 01:00
80,000 Eminem Slane tickets sell out in an hourSome 80,000 tickets for Eminem's concert in Slane on September 17th sold out in just over an hour yesterday.Sat Jun 11 2005 - 01:00
Siptu says 600 Jurys hotel jobs at riskMore than 600 hotel employees could lose their jobs in Dublin under the restructuring plans announced by Jurys Doyle Hotel Group…Fri Jun 10 2005 - 01:00
Restaurateurs say they operate on 'pathetic' profit marginsRestaurateurs make on average €3 profit on every €100 spent in their premises, an industry body claimed.Thu Jun 09 2005 - 01:00
Dogs have their day in quest for new starIt is the sort of scenario theatre directors have nightmares about: You are on tour, opening night approaches - and your star…Wed Jun 08 2005 - 01:00
11 pubs in Kilkenny failed to display price listsThe director of consumer affairs plans to prosecute 11 pubs in Kilkenny for failing to display price lists during the Smithwick…Wed Jun 08 2005 - 01:00