Unthinkable: In the marketplace of values, how do you choose the right ones?Modern society is characterised not by a lack of values but rather a surplus, says philosopher Niall KeaneWed Apr 01 2015 - 10:48
Unthinkable: Has Cardinal John Henry Newman’s vision for universities died?The UCD founder believed tutorials, not exams, produced flourising studentsWed Apr 01 2015 - 10:48
Unthinkable: Should virtue be taught in schools?Some 2,400 years after Aristotle, fresh attempts are being made to develop character through the classroomWed Apr 01 2015 - 10:47
Unthinkable: Why is whistleblowing on the rise?Whistleblowing is a form of disobedience ‘well suited to a society in which our lives are shaped by mammoth, impersonal, bureaucratic institutions,’ says political scientist Bill ScheuermanWed Apr 01 2015 - 10:47
Unthinkable: Is a school’s ethos worth the paper it’s written on?The moral life is realised through actions, not words, argues philosopher Michael OakeshottWed Apr 01 2015 - 10:47
Unthinkable: Does thinking about love kill the passion?A philosophical tip for St Valentine’s Day: ‘You can very easily talk yourself out of love,’ says philosopher Noel KavanaghWed Apr 01 2015 - 10:46
Unthinkable: Is the media just an arm of the market?‘The single greatest tragedy in Ireland today is the absence of a free press,’ says Marcus deBrunWed Apr 01 2015 - 10:45
Unthinkable: How good are we at spotting propaganda?Some of the most subtle forms of propaganda spring from the false idea that people can be neutral or objective, argues American philosopher Jason StanleyWed Apr 01 2015 - 10:45
Unthinkable: Is religion just a matter of taste?Ideologies have a power to build communities; that’s why they endure, says philosopher Alexandra GrieserWed Apr 01 2015 - 10:44
Unthinkable: Why should men care about gender inequality?Academics are urged to acknowledge their biases and avoid the ‘nice bloke’ trapWed Apr 01 2015 - 10:44
Unthinkable: Is psychotherapy a licence to deceive?Although their work is usually helpful to patients, therapists are slow to acknowledge that there is a ‘Wizard of Oz’ element to it, says researcher Charlotte BleaseWed Apr 01 2015 - 10:44
‘Megaphone man’ elected to ASTI standing committeeTeacher who disrupted last year’s congress opposes ‘wearing people down with ballots’Wed Apr 01 2015 - 10:26
Teachers threaten further strike action over Junior Cycle planASTI says ‘any precipitous action’ by Minister for Education would escalate disputeTue Mar 31 2015 - 14:18
Troubled children at higher risk of absenteeism from schoolESRI research questions whether pupils ‘receive adequate social and personal support’Tue Mar 31 2015 - 01:00
Irish universities rank high in research output – EU studyMultirank system indicates Irish universities falling behind in ‘teaching and learning’ skillsMon Mar 30 2015 - 11:00
Northern Ireland students set to benefit from revised CAO points systemA-Level students with three A* grades will yield 540 points – up from 450Mon Mar 30 2015 - 09:03
Teachers to get permanent employment rights after two years under new measuresTeachers recruited in 2011 to get €900 in arrears in next pay chequeSat Mar 28 2015 - 01:02
Children’s data to be kept for shorter period after climbdownDepartment of Education backtracks on plans to keep data until 30th birthdayFri Mar 27 2015 - 13:41
Teachers offered 16 training days for junior cycle programmeMinister reveals details of implementation plan, saying she can’t ‘wait indefinitely’ for unionsThu Mar 26 2015 - 23:41
NUI Galway reveals new strategy to become top 200 universityProf Jim Browne presents five-year plan, including progress on gender equalityThu Mar 26 2015 - 16:12
New job scheme ‘compares favourably’ with overseas modelsMore 50% of participants in Momentum programme were signed-off live registerThu Mar 26 2015 - 07:14
Special Needs Assistants vote for industrial actionImpact members say some contracts reduced to 10 hours, leaving ‘fragmented’ postsWed Mar 25 2015 - 19:19
New USI president to campaign for increased State investmentNUI Galway graduate Kevin Donoghue wants more funding for higher educationWed Mar 25 2015 - 17:25
Extra resources announced for pupils with ‘mild’ Down syndromeAllocation of 2.5 resource hours per child good news but ‘doesn’t go far enough’, says associationWed Mar 25 2015 - 01:00
Unthinkable: Why should the State fund universities?Even non-students benefit from higher education, argues Prof Thomas DochertyMon Mar 23 2015 - 00:00
Junior cycle concessions carry ‘risks’, chief inspector warnsDepartment negotiator says school-based assessment needed for ‘21st century learning’Fri Mar 20 2015 - 11:07
UCD students’ union marks 40th anniversaryStudent leaders say that despite changing times some issues never go awayFri Mar 20 2015 - 01:00
Lecturers at Waterford IT vote for industrial action over merger planUnion says college should be allowed to apply for university status on standalone basisThu Mar 19 2015 - 10:49
School management body accuses teachers of blocking reformsUnions’ protests represent a ‘backward step’ for education, says community schools groupThu Mar 19 2015 - 01:00
Cog Notes: ‘Pals’ brings the drama of the Great War to studentsPlus: The race for technological university status is hotting upTue Mar 17 2015 - 05:00
Willie Mullins conquers all – well, nearly all – at CheltenhamMcCoy in thankful mood as he exits Cheltenham with body bruised but intactSat Mar 14 2015 - 01:00
Catholic schools receive new guidelines on religious teachingCatholic Schools Partnership advises schools on how to be inclusive towards other beliefsThu Mar 12 2015 - 22:43
Can young people be taught how to think critically?A cornerstone of proposed school reform is to get pupils thinking critically and creatively. But how can that be done?Tue Mar 10 2015 - 06:00
Institutes of technology warn against ‘three-tier’ systemAs technological universities emerge, new lobby group plans to look at wider issuesMon Mar 09 2015 - 17:46
CAO picks show demand for building, law, and dentistryConstruction and engineering courses also see a significant rise in applicantsMon Mar 09 2015 - 07:54
Children’s online behaviour checked less frequently – surveySchool principals’ group urges parents to remain vigilant about cyberbullyingMon Mar 09 2015 - 01:00
Give me a crash course in... Junior Cycle reformSchools are being briefed on preposed reforms but the teachers’ unions haven’t given their consent. How will that work?Sat Mar 07 2015 - 00:03
The ASTI to consider discussions on TUI mergerSecondary teachers group to face motion on opening talks on joining with broader unionThu Mar 05 2015 - 21:08
Playing video games can boost exam performance, OECD claimsGender analysis of test scores suggests girls suffer from ‘low confidence’ in mathsThu Mar 05 2015 - 12:04
Boys focus on ‘external rewards’ can be used to parents’ advantageAnalysis: Parents of girls should fight their own gender biases, OECD report suggestsThu Mar 05 2015 - 10:19
Maynooth University to halve number of college entry routesJoint arts and science degree will be the first of its type in IrelandThu Mar 05 2015 - 01:00
Use of primary schools for childcare would be ‘band aid approach’Mary Mitchell O’Connor TD had proposed schools be used for ‘low-cost’ after-school careWed Mar 04 2015 - 16:48
O’Sullivan warns Waterford IT over university statusBill requiring merger of institutes seeking designation to be published after EasterWed Mar 04 2015 - 16:41
Teacher unions propose deal to suspend industrial actionMinister for Education Jan O’Sullivan objects to disruption as bargaining chip in talksTue Mar 03 2015 - 18:50
Cog Notes: Crude lobbying over school admissions policy may prove effectiveAngry middle-class parents have been bombarding the Minister for Education with lettersTue Mar 03 2015 - 05:00
Colleges running fewer courses suitable for students with disabilities, says reportStructural barriers and ‘low expectations’ block those with intellectual disabilitiesMon Mar 02 2015 - 14:27
School managers to be briefed on junior cycle implementation planUnions may consider further strike action after Minister rebuffs plea for more talksMon Mar 02 2015 - 07:41
Internal politics in teacher unions has become obstacleAnalysis: Cooperation with junior cycle plan may be used as a bargaining chipSun Mar 01 2015 - 19:27
Minister says junior cycle reforms will go ahead despite protestsJan O’Sullivan declines to say if teachers will be disciplined for lack of cooperationSat Feb 28 2015 - 12:28