Tax breaks won’t solve student housing crisis, says MinisterJan O’Sullivan encourages homeowners to ‘rent a room’ to studentsThu Jul 30 2015 - 21:19
Apprenticeships overhaul offers ‘viable alternative’ to 3rd levelFollow example of Jamie Oliver, Stella McCartney, Alex Ferguson, says Jan O’SullivanThu Jul 30 2015 - 13:20
TCD and University of Limerick win gender equality awardsFour third-level colleges unsuccessful in first round of Athena SWAN accreditation schemeThu Jul 30 2015 - 09:01
New apprenticeships set for financial services and restaurantsApprentices will be able study to honours degree level under expansion of schemeThu Jul 30 2015 - 01:00
Two-thirds of third-level students to apply for grantsStudents advised to beat deadline of Saturday August 1st for applicationsWed Jul 29 2015 - 16:55
210 cases of sexual abuse in schools eligible for compensationLimited scope of scheme criticised by abuse survivor Louise O’KeeffeTue Jul 28 2015 - 18:51
How the Catholic Church could solve the school patronage problem‘The church has it within its power to voluntarily cede some control so its schools are inclusive in both word and deed’Mon Jul 27 2015 - 16:30
Southeast university designation possible ‘within three years’Report says ‘no alternative’ to merger between Waterford IT and IT CarlowMon Jul 27 2015 - 14:31
FF accuses Minister of stalling on student accommodation crisisUnion of Students in Ireland says both long-term and emergency measures neededWed Jul 22 2015 - 18:45
Call for tax breaks to encourage building of more student housingOver 25,000 students a year competing for private rental accommodation - HEAWed Jul 22 2015 - 01:00
Boost in student numbers set to add to accommodation squeezeConcern over the shortage of bed spaces on campus is finally hitting the political ranksWed Jul 22 2015 - 01:00
Geoghegan-Quinn to head third-level gender equality reviewReview group includes Limerick professor who turned down invitation to advise NUIGMon Jul 20 2015 - 01:00
Primary principals reveal plan for small rural schoolsOrganisation says proposals will guarantee that existing school buildings remain openTue Jul 07 2015 - 01:00
Politicians protect small schools - but are they best for children?200 small schools are located within an 8km radius of one anotherMon Jul 06 2015 - 01:00
Small school merger plan would have hit Galway-Mayo hardestTaoiseach’s opposition key to rejection by Government of report’s recommendationsMon Jul 06 2015 - 01:00
Irish Loreto nun champions ‘inclusive schools’ in IndiaDisadvantaged children gain 50% of places in Sr Cyril Mooney’s school in CalcuttaSat Jul 04 2015 - 01:00
Primary teachers vote to accept Lansdowne Road pay dealINTO ballot carried by 65% to 35% but other teacher unions set to oppose agreementThu Jul 02 2015 - 16:33
Exam body failed to follow advice on special needs supportsState Examinations Commission did not implement 2008 report’s recommendationsThu Jul 02 2015 - 01:00
Special needs assistant officials clash over allocations delayOireachtas committee hears ‘worrying’ 35% of SNA applications were refused in 2014Wed Jul 01 2015 - 20:51
Students told to prioritise ‘genuine’ interests in CAO choicesCouncillors give advice to third-level applicants ahead of change of mind deadlineTue Jun 30 2015 - 20:18
Jan O’Sullivan seeks extra funding for special needs assistantsMinister to confirm allocations to schools in ‘next 10 days’ as demand for services growsTue Jun 30 2015 - 18:40
Is bitter better? The philosopher’s coffee questAre you a sourist, a bitterist or an Americano? A Trinity College professor has turned his attention to the ancient beverage as part of an intellectual exerciseFri Jun 26 2015 - 06:00
‘Lazy’ strategy set to result in poorer learning - expertDr Pasi Sahlberg: Parental choice likely to mean educational inequality in IrelandFri Jun 26 2015 - 01:00
Provision of special needs supports for state exams to be reviewedLeaving Cert scheme operates on ‘tighter’ basis than Junior Cert, committee toldWed Jun 24 2015 - 19:51
The Leaving Cert: It’s in the bag. Inside State Exams HQNo examiner allocated papers from school or county as scripts held in colour-coded bagsWed Jun 24 2015 - 12:00
Doctoral programme enrolments fall 9% in five yearsHigher Education Authority calls for greater financial support for postgraduatesTue Jun 23 2015 - 18:42
NUIG agrees to gender taskforce recommendationsUniversity welcomes report as Siptu branch questions credibility of group’s findingsTue Jun 23 2015 - 18:29
NUIG staff should undergo gender bias training, report saysGroup calls for new measures to counteract discrimination against women at universityTue Jun 23 2015 - 06:00
Overcoming unconscious gender bias in academiaMethod addresses issues such as the prioritising of male opinions during meetingsTue Jun 23 2015 - 06:00
Pay for student interns up but at expense of entry-level jobsSurvey indicates only 10% of employers value postgraduate qualification above experienceMon Jun 22 2015 - 01:00
College lecturers say they are spending more time teaching ‘basic skills’Almost 73% of academics surveyed indicate increasing student diversityMon Jun 22 2015 - 01:00
College lecturers: More time being spent on basic skillsLanguage difficulties and inadequate writing skills are cited as core academics problemsMon Jun 22 2015 - 00:01
Trinity College entry scheme may be extendedProject involves admission of small group of students from outside the CAO processFri Jun 19 2015 - 01:00
Ulster University to cut student numbers by 1,200Stormont budget cuts blamed for reduction in number of places and staff at North collegeFri Jun 19 2015 - 01:00
DCU buys All Hallows College for student accommodationSite valued at €14m and all remaining students will transfer to university after closureThu Jun 18 2015 - 21:42
Half of girls believe science and maths are ‘too difficult’Almost 30% believe STEM subjects better fit boys’ brains or boys’ personalitiesThu Jun 18 2015 - 01:00
New York Times apologises for ‘insensitive’ language in Berkeley articlePaper criticised after article suggested J-1 students an ‘embarrassment to Ireland’Wed Jun 17 2015 - 18:51
New board for under-fire National College of Art and DesignAudited accounts up to the end of 2012 have now been presented to C&AG, says collegeTue Jun 16 2015 - 19:31
Families being assisted after ‘appalling tragedy’ - FlanaganMinister for Foreign Affairs says up to nine Irish students injured in Berkeley balcony collapseTue Jun 16 2015 - 18:18
A third of 8,000 Irish J-1 students head for CaliforniaUniversity of California Berkeley offers visiting J-1 students summer accommodationTue Jun 16 2015 - 18:06
Teachers’ qualifications don’t match subjects taught - surveyDepartment review finds large number teach classes without the relevant credentialsMon Jun 15 2015 - 01:00
NCAD rejects censor claim over withdrawal of nude from showShane Berkery’s image depicting naked NCAD director a ‘light-hearted’ protestFri Jun 12 2015 - 01:00
Hibernia graduates still unsure on eligibility in Catholic schoolsNo decision made by Irish Episcopal Conference on approval of teacher collegeFri Jun 12 2015 - 01:00
Enda Kenny says suspected BSE case ‘a setback’‘I think it’s accepted it will be a positive test when it’s absolutely confirmed’Thu Jun 11 2015 - 16:38
Hibernia College seeks bishops’ approval over graduate fearsJobseeker posted letter from Catholic employer saying college’s religious diploma not recognisedWed Jun 10 2015 - 01:00
Project Maths linked to decline in third-level performanceResearch indicates that B grade in 2013 corresponds roughly with a C in 2003Tue Jun 09 2015 - 01:00
Further education funding to be linked with ‘performance’State agency regulating the sector to direct funds to ‘where it’s going to be most effective’Mon Jun 08 2015 - 01:00
Overqualified: Workers who know too muchIreland has Europe’s highest rate of ‘overeducation’: too many people have qualifications they can’t use; many others lack the skills that employers want. Do we need to rethink our education system?Sun Jun 07 2015 - 12:00
Would an unconditional basic income save democracy or breed laziness?The idea of a living wage has been around since the 1700s, but Switzerland is set to put it to a vote next yearSat Jun 06 2015 - 01:00
11% of women students believe they were sexually assaultedSurvey in NUIG and UCC reveals different attitudes between genders to casual sexThu Jun 04 2015 - 01:00