Two thirds of primary schools get water billsMore than two thirds of primary schools have already been billed to pay water charges, a survey by the Irish Primary Principals…Mon Dec 17 2007 - 00:00
Cowen unveils €900m in EU FundsMore than €900 million of EU Structural Funds will be directed towards investments in human capital, innovation and strengthening…Mon Dec 17 2007 - 00:00
Cowen says stamp duty changes will 'boost confidence'Stamp duty: Minster for Finance Brian Cowen said today his changes to the stamp duty regime would boost confidence and support…Wed Dec 05 2007 - 00:00
Ireland ranks 6th in donor-country ratingsIreland is ranked sixth out of 23 in a new league table of donor countries' responses to humanitarian disasters.Thu Nov 29 2007 - 00:00
FG calls for public-service reform planFine Gael today claimed a public-service reform programme like that introduced in Britain could save the Exchequer up to €3 billion…Thu Nov 29 2007 - 00:00
Ireland to use credits to meet Kyoto targetIreland will achieve its Kyoto commitment on greenhouse gas emissions by 2010, largely by buying carbon credits, a European Commission…Tue Nov 27 2007 - 00:00
Over 6,000 join adoption registerThere were 6,270 applications to join the National Adoption Contact Preference Register (NACPR) during its first two years of…Thu Nov 22 2007 - 00:00
Gormley publishes biodiversity guideThe high levels of construction activity and intensive farming which characterise Ireland's recent prosperity are putting significant…Mon Nov 19 2007 - 00:00
€5m fund needed to aid young carersA special €5 million fund should be allocated in the forthcoming Budget to support young people who are caring for sick relatives…Wed Nov 14 2007 - 00:00
Study highlights stigma of mental illnessOnly a fifth of people with mental health problems in Ireland are employed largely because of the stigma and prejudice which …Wed Nov 14 2007 - 00:00
HSE has more to do on hygiene - HarneyMinister for Health Mary Harney has admitted that the health service has some way to go to establish a culture of best practice…Tue Nov 13 2007 - 00:00
Public hospitals fare badly in hygiene reviewNearly a fifth of public hospitals in Ireland are failing to meet basic hygiene standards and pose an "immediate and significant…Tue Nov 13 2007 - 00:00
Map to help drug users find servicesAn web-based resource providing a map of services for drug users in west Dublin has been unveiled by the Tallaght Drugs Task …Mon Nov 12 2007 - 00:00
No traces of bodies found on trawlersThe sunken fishing vessel the Maggie B, is raised to the surface by a Dutch barge crane, and refloated off the Dunmore East …Mon Nov 12 2007 - 00:00
Govt 'failing' exploited disabled workersThe Government has persistently failed to tackle the exploitation of workers with disabilities, a conference in Dublin heard …Mon Nov 12 2007 - 00:00
Housing slowdown to dent GDP growthEconomic growth will slow significantly over the next 18 months primarily as a result of a correction in the housing market, …Wed Nov 07 2007 - 00:00
MS to locate $500m data centre in DublinMicrosoft is to locate a strategic data centre in Dublin to run its online services business throughout Europe, the Middle East…Tue Nov 06 2007 - 00:00
Stereotypical marketing to kids criticisedThe Equality Authority has criticised what it described as "damaging gender stereotyping" in the marketing of merchandise to …Thu Nov 01 2007 - 00:00
Road safety a family matter - surveyRoad safety is a family matter and best taught in the home, according to a survey of parental attitudes to child safety.Tue Oct 30 2007 - 00:00
Rape crisis service opens in TallaghtA rise in the number of sexual assaults has led the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre (DRCC) to expand its counselling services to Tallaght…Fri Oct 19 2007 - 01:00
The overcrowded road to educationA Dublin Transport Office (DTO) survey, published last week, revealed four in 10 children who are driven to school in Dublin …Tue Oct 16 2007 - 01:00
Expansion of Meath incinerator approvedA plan to expand the incinerator at Duleek, Co Meath, has been approved by An Bord Pleanála.Tue Oct 16 2007 - 01:00
Competition for new Abbey releasedA 13-member jury has been appointed to select a design for the new National Theatre site in Dublin Docklands.Mon Oct 15 2007 - 01:00
Half of family cases relate to violenceNearly half the family law cases dealt with by district courts in 2006 related to domestic violence.Mon Oct 15 2007 - 01:00
Labour Court concern at union's failure to agree changesThe Labour Court has expressed concern that Aer Lingus unions have failed to agree or implement cost-cutting measures and productivity…Thu Oct 04 2007 - 01:00
Health unions meet over HSE freezeHealth service unions are meeting at lunchtime today to formulate a response to the Health Service Executive's decision to extend…Wed Oct 03 2007 - 01:00
Early bird flu intervention essentialThe effectiveness of antivirals in treating patients with avian influenza is highly dependent on how early the drugs can be administered…Tue Oct 02 2007 - 01:00
Church has 'no desire' to be sole education providerThe Catholic Church says it has no desire to be the sole provider of education in individual communities in Ireland.Tue Oct 02 2007 - 01:00
HSE imposes revised freeze on recruitmentThe recruitment cap imposed by the Health Service Executive (HSE) is to remain in place until the end of October, it was decided…Mon Oct 01 2007 - 01:00
Waiting times 'among longest in Europe'Ireland still has one of the worst waiting times for treatment across Europe, according to a survey on consumer healthcare.Mon Oct 01 2007 - 01:00
HSE cutbacks breach partnership deal - NIBThe National Implementation Body (NIB) has severely criticised the Health Service Executive (HSE) over the manner in which it…Fri Sept 21 2007 - 01:00
Retired Garda awarded €32,000 arrearsA retired Garda from Cork who received incorrect information from the Department of Social and Family Affairs regarding his pension…Thu Sept 20 2007 - 01:00
Pregnant women sent to hotel due to bed shortagesConcern has been expressed about the safety of patients at one of Dublin's main maternity hospitals after it emerged that some…Tue Sept 18 2007 - 01:00
Cowen unveils revamp of budgetary timetableMinister for Finance Brian Cowen has announced a revamp of the Government's budgetary timetable that will see all spending measures…Thu Sept 13 2007 - 01:00
Plight of brain injury victims highlightedSome 10,000 people suffer head or brain trauma every year in Ireland, but the injury is still not recognised as a distinct or…Wed Sept 05 2007 - 01:00
McManus rules herself out of leadership raceWicklow TD Liz McManus has declared she will not contest the Labour leadership race.Sat Sept 01 2007 - 01:00
Labour to set nomination closing dateThe Labour Party's national executive committee is due to meet tomorrow to decide on a closing date for nominations for the posts…Fri Aug 31 2007 - 01:00
Decentralisation to go ahead despite ruling - CowenMinister for Finance Brian Cowen has insisted the decentralisation plan would go ahead despite a Labour Court ruling that State…Thu Aug 30 2007 - 01:00
Irish 'exporting arms parts' to conflictsIrish firms are exploiting loopholes and weaknesses in the State's trade controls to export weapons parts that are being used…Thu Aug 30 2007 - 01:00
Irish climate warming at twice global rateIreland's average temperature is rising at twice the global rate and six of the 10 hottest years over the last century have occurred…Wed Aug 29 2007 - 01:00
Shannon dominates Cabinet agendaMinister for Transport Noel Dempsey insisted today the Government would do all it could to assist the Shannon Airport Authority…Wed Aug 29 2007 - 01:00
Quinn backs Gilmore for Labour leadershipFormer Labour leader Ruairí Quinn today backed Eamonn Gilmore's bid to become the party's next leader.Wed Aug 29 2007 - 01:00
Shannon plays down report of BMI dealThe Shannon Airport Authority (SAA) has played down reports that it is close to signing a new deal with British Midland (BMI) …Tue Aug 28 2007 - 01:00
FG, unions seek clarity on decentralisationUnions and opposition parties have called on the Government to clarify its position on decentralisation following yesterday's…Tue Aug 28 2007 - 01:00
Gilmore announces bid for Labour leadershipThe Dún Laoghaire TD Eamon Gilmore has formally announced his candidacy for the leadership of the Labour Party.Tue Aug 28 2007 - 01:00
Three TDs express interest in Labour postThree senior Labour Party figures have said they are considering making a bid for the vacant party leadership post following …Fri Aug 24 2007 - 01:00
HSE announces 60 new consultant postsThe Health Service Executive (HSE) has announced the appointment of 60 new consultants to 24 hospitals that have met performance…Thu Aug 23 2007 - 01:00
Tougher penalties for nitrate breachesThe maximum penalties that can be imposed by the courts for breaches of the nitrates regulations have been increased by the Minister…Wed Aug 22 2007 - 01:00
British army report says it did not defeat IRAAn internal British army document examining its role in Northern Ireland during the Troubles concludes that while it did not …Fri Jul 06 2007 - 01:00
Taoiseach denies charter 'opt-out'Taoiseach Bertie Ahern today denied his Government sought an "opt-out" of the charter of fundamental rights which will be made…Wed Jul 04 2007 - 01:00