Major capital spending projects that create jobs should remainANALYSIS: There is merit in sticking with significant capital expenditure schemes in the budgetWed Mar 18 2009 - 00:00
Health and welfare may be big target of savingsANALYSIS: The bulk of Government spending goes on public sector pay and social welfare paymentsTue Mar 17 2009 - 00:00
Quinn relinquishes role in subsidiary firmsBUSINESSMAN SEÁN Quinn has resigned from a range of subsidiary companies within the Quinn group and two new senior non-executive…Thu Mar 12 2009 - 00:00
Financial Regulator leads inquiry into Merrill Lynch trader's 'irregularity'THE FINANCIAL Regulator’s office has confirmed it is the official lead agency for an inquiry into a potentially huge irregularity…Mon Mar 09 2009 - 00:00
Desmond criticises Bank of Ireland over BoucherBUSINESSMAN DERMOT Desmond has criticised the appointment of an internal candidate as the new chief executive of the Bank of …Fri Mar 06 2009 - 00:00
Taxing low-paid workers would be big earner for State Public Affairs CorrespondentINCOME TAX: To raise an additional €2 billion from income tax, raising both rates will be requiredWed Mar 04 2009 - 00:00
The corporate enforcerThose in the corporate world with dirty white collars may soon have a new bête noire in the form of Paul Appleby, the man behind…Sat Feb 28 2009 - 00:00
Charge on Quinn company's shares made in favour of AngloA CHARGE on the shares of a Jersey-based company belonging to the Quinn family in favour of Anglo Irish Bank was registered in…Tue Feb 24 2009 - 00:00
Board members took loans of €225m, report showsDIRECTORS' LOANS: DIRECTORS OF Anglo Irish Bank took out loans totalling €255 million during the 12 months to the end of September…Sat Feb 21 2009 - 00:00
Board members took loans of €225m, report showsDIRECTORS' LOANS: DIRECTORS OF Anglo Irish Bank took out loans totalling €255 million during the 12 months to the end of September…Sat Feb 21 2009 - 00:00
Morgan Stanley go-between in Anglo dealMORGAN STANLEY: LONDON INVESTMENT bank Morgan Stanley acted as an intermediary for the entire 25 per cent stake in Anglo Irish…Sat Feb 21 2009 - 00:00
Morgan Stanley go-between in Anglo dealMORGAN STANLEY: LONDON INVESTMENT bank Morgan Stanley acted as an intermediary for the entire 25 per cent stake in Anglo Irish…Sat Feb 21 2009 - 00:00
Financial Regulator believes it was misled by AngloTHE FINANCIAL Regulator believes it was “misled” by Anglo Irish Bank when a 10 per cent stake in the bank was purchased by a …Fri Feb 20 2009 - 00:00
Solicitors advising Minister acted for bank consortiumTHE FIRM of solicitors advising the Government on its banking policy has acted for the Mallabraca consortium, which expressed…Wed Feb 18 2009 - 00:00
Top bankers' remuneration cut by 33%EXECUTIVE PAY: SENIOR EXECUTIVES at AIB and the Bank of Ireland are to have their total remuneration packages cut by at least…Thu Feb 12 2009 - 00:00
Quinn Group buys wind farm off family membersTHE QUINN Group paid €138 million to buy a wind farm business from family members, according to documents filed in the Companies…Sat Feb 07 2009 - 00:00
AIB and BoI injection discussions continueTALKS WERE continuing yesterday on the planned multibillion recapitalisation of the Bank of Ireland and AIB, with sources uncertain…Tue Feb 03 2009 - 00:00
Legal advice cost Fás €4mFÁS SPENT more than €4 million on legal advice in the four years to 2008, with the bulk of the work going to William Fry solicitors…Tue Feb 03 2009 - 00:00
A very surprising development and even stranger proceedingsANALYSIS : A key figure in the tribunal’s money trail inquiry has been summonsedSat Jan 31 2009 - 00:00
English solicitor finally attends tribunal after summons servedMORIARTY TRIBUNAL: THE MORIARTY tribunal held a surprise short hearing yesterday morning attended by an English solicitor, Christopher…Sat Jan 31 2009 - 00:00
English solicitor appears at surprise sitting of MoriartyAn English solicitor Christopher Vaughan appeared at a surprise sitting of the Moriarty Tribunal this morning following the issuing…Fri Jan 30 2009 - 00:00
Regulator investigates Quinn disposal of 10% stake in AngloTHE FINANCIAL Regulator is investigating the circumstances in which businessman Seán Quinn and his family unwound an indirect…Tue Jan 27 2009 - 00:00
Senior banker and Arthur Cox partner advising LenihanMINISTER FOR Finance Brian Lenihan is working with a core team of top public service advisers while dealing with the ongoing …Sat Jan 24 2009 - 00:00
Regulator may have known of loans to FitzPatrick for eight yearsINFORMATION CONCERNING the extent of the loans taken out from Anglo Irish Bank by its former chairman, Seán FitzPatrick, appears…Sat Jan 24 2009 - 00:00
Solicitors considering Anglo damages actionA DUBLIN solicitor has said it is a “racing certainty” that shareholders will be taking a case for damages arising from what …Fri Jan 23 2009 - 00:00
Rent reviews must consider recessionTHE MASTER of the High Court has said the economic downturn should be considered when “upward only” clauses governing rent reviews…Fri Jan 23 2009 - 00:00
Former B of I chief to join Anglo bank boardTHE FORMER chief executive of the Bank of Ireland, Maurice Keane, is to become a non-executive director of Anglo Irish Bank after…Tue Jan 20 2009 - 00:00
Family redeem charge on sharesTHE QUINN family has redeemed a category of share over which Anglo Irish Bank had a charge that entitled the bank to take control…Mon Jan 19 2009 - 00:00
Cost of State's move depends on amount of bad loansTAXPAYER BURDEN: THE COST of the nationalisation of Anglo Irish Bank to the taxpayer will depend on what bankers call the quality…Sat Jan 17 2009 - 00:00
Taxpayer playing banker to property investorsDEVELOPERS: THE NATIONALISATION of Anglo Irish Bank means the taxpayer is now banker to most of the larger property investors…Sat Jan 17 2009 - 00:00
€53.7m tax paid in disclosure schemeTHE REVENUE Commissioners received €53.7 million in unpaid taxes as part of its latest voluntary disclosure scheme.Sat Jan 17 2009 - 00:00
'It's very sad - but the downturn is hitting everyone'IN THE COURTS: The second in a series of articles on how the economic slowdown is manifesting itself in the courtsWed Jan 14 2009 - 00:00
History shows how easily the masses have been led astrayExtraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds By Charles Mackay Templeton Foundation Press; 724pp, £12.99Tue Jan 13 2009 - 00:00
Loss of Fás jobs fair to cost Croke Park €400,000CROKE PARK is to lose approximately €400,000 in revenue this year as a result of the decision by Fás not to hold its annual Opportunities…Mon Jan 12 2009 - 00:00
Moriarty findings to be made publicTHE DRAFT findings of the Moriarty tribunal in relation to its marathon inquiry into the awarding of the State's second mobile…Mon Jan 12 2009 - 00:00
Anglo scandal landed Neary at eye of stormBACKGROUND: THE FINANCIAL regulator Patrick Neary found himself in the eye of the storm in December when it emerged his office…Sat Jan 10 2009 - 00:00
Fás official gives his side of the story to PACGreg Craig says he will not attend the Public Accounts Committee unless he gets access to his files in FásFri Jan 09 2009 - 00:00
Suspended Fás executive tells Dáil committee he is being 'scapegoated'SUSPENDED FÁS executive Greg Craig has said an attempt has been made to "scapegoat" him for the failings of the organisation …Fri Jan 09 2009 - 00:00
Questions remain about ethical standards at DCC despite Flavin's protracted resignationANOTHER YEAR'S over, Jim Flavin has moved on, but DCC plc remains in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.Fri Jan 02 2009 - 00:00
Anglo Irish gains on day of very light tradingDUBLIN REPORT: T'WAS A few days after Christmas and all through the stock exchange not a creature was stirring, not even a …Tue Dec 30 2008 - 00:00
Sterling's drop to near parity with euro a disaster, says IsmeTHE POUND dropped to a fresh low against the euro yesterday, falling closer to parity against the single currency on expectations…Tue Dec 30 2008 - 00:00
Banks attract most interest in slow day of tradingDUBLIN REPORT: Iseq: 2,347.89 (-26Wed Dec 24 2008 - 00:00
Takeover body rules out inquiry over ICG sharesTHE TAKEOVER Panel will not be conducting a hearing into an allegation of concert party trading involving Irish Continental Group…Wed Dec 24 2008 - 00:00
Ex-head of Revenue to chair Anglo inquiryLOANS TO DIRECTORS: A SUB-COMMITTEE of the board of Anglo Irish Bank chaired by the former head of the Revenue Commissioners…Mon Dec 22 2008 - 00:00
Board to review handling of Anglo affairTHE BOARD of the Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authority has set up an inquiry into the handling of the Seán FitzPatrick…Mon Dec 22 2008 - 00:00
Ibec review calls for widening of tax baseTHE EMPLOYERS' group Ibec has called for the widening of the tax base through property and other taxes, as well as reductions…Mon Dec 22 2008 - 00:00
Government pumps €5.5 billion into three banksThe Government tonight unveiled a €5Sun Dec 21 2008 - 00:00
How it all came tumbling downBreifne O'Brien lived the high life as an investment adviserSat Dec 20 2008 - 00:00
Shock in financial circles at how FitzPatrick could have hidden loans for eight yearsANALYSIS: THE BANKING sector is the recidivist criminal of Irish public life, yet there were a lot of people shocked yesterday…Sat Dec 20 2008 - 00:00
Former Fás chairman 'at a loss' over rules breachesPUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE: THE FORMER chairman of Fás, Brian Geoghegan, said yesterday he was "as much at a loss as anyone" …Fri Dec 19 2008 - 00:00