Minister welcomes significant drop in prisoner numbersRepublic now has 88 per 100,000 people in prison, compared with 148 in EnglandSat Oct 07 2017 - 10:28
Over 700 pilots left Ryanair in last financial year, Ialpa claimsIssues surrounding Ryanair flight cancellations flagged with airline over a year agoMon Sept 18 2017 - 14:28
Unclear why Ryanair flights issue was not better planned forLevel of passenger disruption left cancellations announcement looking like a crisis oneMon Sept 18 2017 - 01:00
Charleton Tribunal to investigate contacts over Garda whistleblowerGarda Keith Harrison alleges contacts between Tusla and force on himself and partnerSun Sept 17 2017 - 14:54
Eight Dublin flights among 82 cancelled by Ryanair on SundayTourism ‘instability’: Flood of compensation claims expected from airline’s customersSat Sept 16 2017 - 18:47
UK path on Brexit is mad and dangerous, says Baroness Armstrong in DublinShe said it was a ‘tragedy’ that the Northern Ireland executive remained collapsedThu Sept 14 2017 - 13:02
Government urged not to bring back the bedsitRemoving ban on single-room occupancy would be ‘regressive and wrong’Wed Sept 13 2017 - 21:27
RTÉ ‘Late Late Show’ says sorry for 26-county Ireland mapStation received 203 formal complaints in relation to the graphicWed Sept 13 2017 - 19:07
O’Sullivan can keep legal team for tribunal despite resignationCharleton tribunal probing whether she was party to any smear campaign against Sgt McCabeTue Sept 12 2017 - 01:00
Hotel group cancels Newstalk sponsorship over Hook rape commentsRape Crisis Centre says comments can lead to under-reportingMon Sept 11 2017 - 11:45
Louth council acquires 35 vacant houses by compulsory purchaseCouncil has sights on a further 30 empty properties to CPO saying process is ‘easy’Mon Sept 11 2017 - 01:11
UK has adopted ‘reckless’ interpretation of Brexit result, Mandelson saysFormer EU commissioner says UK government thinks it can have autonomy and tradeFri Sept 08 2017 - 13:03
Criminal cases in Dublin take longest to reach courtDublin District Court had waiting times of 26 weeks, with delays also in family law casesTue Aug 08 2017 - 01:00
Christian Brothers are ‘disappointed’ by school’s legal actionClonkeen College is challenging order’s decision to sell 7.5 acres of its playing fieldsThu Aug 03 2017 - 01:00
Judge clarifies criticism of Tánaiste in Ian Bailey caseThe justice had accused Frances Fitzgerald of ‘abuse of process’ during extradition bidThu Aug 03 2017 - 01:00
Justice department to consider need for law on perjuryCurrent judicial culture too accommodating of those who make false claims – IsmeWed Aug 02 2017 - 06:35
‘Sunday Times’ conducts inquiry into Kevin Myers columnSacked writer claims five or six people would have seen the article before publicationWed Aug 02 2017 - 05:00
Court applications for judicial separation and divorce down last yearThere were also 62 applications for dissolution of civil partnerships, with most involving female partnershipsTue Jul 25 2017 - 18:04
Rules needed to control social media use in courts, says DenhamGuidelines needed for ‘the who, when and what of using social media in courtrooms’Tue Jul 25 2017 - 15:19
Number of house repossession cases falls by 32%‘Hopefully this is a sign that the effects of our great recession are fading,’ says Chief JusticeTue Jul 25 2017 - 14:16
Minister denies bid to extradite Ian Bailey was ‘abuse of process’Charlie Flanagan ‘obliged’ by law to apply for extradition order on foot of European warrantTue Jul 25 2017 - 05:00
Asylum seeker treatment as bad as institutional abuse, says priestMartin Pender says Congolese asylum seekers left to ‘eat and sleep and walk around’Tue Jul 25 2017 - 01:00
Sophie Toscan du Plantier: 20 years later, a murder remains unsolvedBackground: Ian Bailey became a suspect early in the investigation. He has been in legal battles ever sinceMon Jul 24 2017 - 20:09
McCabe controversy left Bailieboro station ‘divided’, tribunal toldWhistleblower taking complaint outside Garda was ‘making everyone look bad’Mon Jul 24 2017 - 13:56
Rape Crisis Centre criticises delay in setting up specialist Garda unitsUN urged to pressure Government over lack of protection for victims of sexual crimeMon Jul 24 2017 - 00:01
Legal action over ‘property damage’ may delay children’s hospitalWork on the project is alleged to have caused structural damage to nearby homesSun Jul 23 2017 - 20:01
Bad blood in Bailieboro – and questions for Charleton tribunalDid the growing mistrust between McCabe and his colleagues tip over into smears?Sat Jul 22 2017 - 06:00
Varadkar in unexpected meeting with Ibrahim Halawa familyRelatives encouraged by Leo Varadkar’s interest in the caseSat Jul 22 2017 - 01:00
Review of McCabe abuse claims recommended due to ‘media maelstrom’Supt Leo McGinn says he ‘absolutely’ had no axe to grind against garda whistleblowerThu Jul 20 2017 - 18:02
Inaction on Tusla letter not part of plan to ‘harm’ Maurice McCabeSupt Noel Cunningham denies being part of effort by Garda bosses to smear whistleblowerThu Jul 20 2017 - 14:36
Garda whistleblower ‘very distressed’ at child sex abuse claim interviewOfficer investigating Maurice McCabe acknowledges difficulty of disproving allegationsWed Jul 19 2017 - 21:01
McCabe complained about garda who went to suicide scene from pubInvestigating superintendent ‘absolutely refutes’ later ignoring Tusla sex abuse claim letterWed Jul 19 2017 - 16:45
How Paul Williams came to appear before Charleton tribunalBackground: Crime journalist was in contact with Ms D over Maurice McCabe claimWed Jul 19 2017 - 01:00
Paul Williams rejects as ‘completely untrue’ ex-Garda press officer claimsJournalist told tribunal Taylor confirmed inquiry into Ms D’s allegation against McCabeTue Jul 18 2017 - 14:50
Gardaí confirmed McCabe sex claim to Paul Williams, tribunal toldJournalist denies being ‘puppet’ for senior gardaíTue Jul 18 2017 - 13:20
Charleton tribunal: ‘Ms D’ made schoolgirl claim about Maurice McCabe in 2014Woman had told Gsoc she was told the sergeant ‘watched the young ones’ leaving schoolTue Jul 18 2017 - 01:00
Charleton Tribunal: ‘Ms D’ had ‘personal grievance’ against Sgt McCabeWitness says she wanted the public to know that there was ‘another side to the man’Mon Jul 17 2017 - 14:51
The Panamanian swindle and a Westmeath man’s bankruptcyExtension of bankruptcy of Patrick J Daly, who resides at Ballinagore House, is being soughtMon Jul 17 2017 - 01:00
Charleton tribunal: Tusla admits list of errors over catastrophic fileChild and family agency failed to stop the McCabe file travelling on through the systemSat Jul 15 2017 - 01:00
Charleton tribunal rules evidence from ‘Ms D’ will not be publicPress can attend but must not identify woman who made claim against McCabeThu Jul 13 2017 - 21:36
Charleton tribunal hears garda ‘batted on’ sexual abuse allegationSuperintendent believed allegation should be examined outside Cavan-Monaghan divisionThu Jul 13 2017 - 13:12
Angela Kerins case can ‘leapfrog’ to Supreme CourtCourt finds that case against PAC involves matters of general public importanceThu Jul 13 2017 - 01:00
Tribunal: Ms D told Tusla in 2016 she wanted nothing more to do with allegationArea manager says social workers are in ‘very rushed environment’ and ‘errors are made ’Tue Jul 11 2017 - 21:27
Garda whose daughter made abuse claim faced disciplinary actionCharleton Tribunal told Sgt McCabe became aware of ‘serious misbehaviour’ by colleagueTue Jul 11 2017 - 12:14
‘Late in day’ when Tusla official told tribunal Maurice McCabe was knownTusla manager told Charleton Tribunal he had not known Garda whistleblowerMon Jul 10 2017 - 17:43
Charleton tribunal: social worker unaware of who McCabe wasLaura Connolly says false information in report was never brought to her attentionMon Jul 10 2017 - 13:54
Varadkar comments could delay Jobstown trial, says lawyerEleven more people face trial on charges arising from water charges protestMon Jul 10 2017 - 05:00
Prosecution case ends in Halawa trial in EgyptDublin man arrested in Cairo in 2013 faces potential death penalty over protestsSun Jul 09 2017 - 15:19
Criticism of Garda evidence in Jobstown case focuses on identical errorsIssue arises when multiple witnesses give same inconsistent testimony, defence arguedSat Jul 08 2017 - 08:01
DPP officials are ‘concerned’ by Varadkar’s Jobstown commentsProsecutors are worried about legal implications of Taoiseach’s call for Garda reviewSat Jul 08 2017 - 01:02