Moonlit kayaking on Lough Hyne in West CorkJim Kennedy of Atlantic Sea Kayaking West Cork takes us out on Lough Hyne for some late-night moonlit kayaking. Video: Bryan O'BrienThu Apr 17 2014 - 15:50
Men in Motion at the Abbey TheatreDancers in rehearsal for Actions - An evening of men in motion by Irish Modern Dance Theatre on the Peacock Stage at The Abbey Theatre. Four powerful male dancers perform in four dances from January 28th to February 1st.Fri Jan 24 2014 - 15:06
My Photo Moment 2013: Bryan O'BrienIrish Times photographer Bryan O' Brien recalls his most memorable photo of 2013.Mon Dec 23 2013 - 12:22
The Sound of Silence: Conor Pope at Glenstaal AbbeyWhy do men leave the world behind for monastery life? Conor Pope gets some honest answers when he spends two days with the monks in Glenstaal Abbey.Fri Dec 20 2013 - 10:29
Point, click, flush: my year spent in the bathroom (Video)How’s this for a photography challenge: take a series of beautiful photos in one of the most mundane and visually unappealing environments – the looTue Apr 16 2013 - 07:00
Every picture tells the storyPHOTOGRAPHY: Magnum Contact Sheets Edited by Kristen Lubben Thames & Hudson, 508pp. £95Sat Nov 12 2011 - 00:00
The people's poetCELEBRATION The latest book from Paul Durcan comes as the writer is awarded an honorary doctorate by Trinity CollegeSat Dec 05 2009 - 00:00
Through a lens darklyFacing the World is a collection of images created by the 260 photojournalists of Agence France-Presse, the international news…Sat Nov 03 2001 - 00:00
A hundred years in picturesAny book that attempts to present a collection of work from the finest photographers of the last 100 years deserves attention…Sat Dec 04 1999 - 00:00
Not a soul in sightThis book is the result of travels to the remains of the aristocratic estates of Eastern Europe, which were liquidated in 1945…Sat Nov 20 1999 - 00:00