EU now making waves over ‘green diesel’ for boatsCommission taking Ireland to Europe’s highest court for not properly applying taxThu Nov 27 2014 - 01:00
Analysis: ECB flags willingness to proceed with quantitative easingConcern that programme would not go far enough to boost euro zoneThu Nov 27 2014 - 01:00
Markets anticipate ECB stimulus planGlobal markets hover at elevated levels as rumours of quantitative easing mountWed Nov 26 2014 - 01:00
Troika urges Ireland to intensify further deficit reductionsBudget 2015 ‘makes less progress than desirable’ according to European officialsTue Nov 25 2014 - 11:33
ECB and EU Commission say State has ‘important challenges’Government advised to have ‘additional’ fiscal measures ready in case of future risksFri Nov 21 2014 - 16:51
Troika raises concerns over Ireland's new water schemeDecision to suspend metered charges was surprise to European CommissionFri Nov 21 2014 - 11:27
Water charge hysteria a pseudo-crisisOpinion: State has faced three crises since crash but this is not one of themFri Nov 21 2014 - 03:00
NTMA debt sale strengthens Government’s position in repaying IMF loansAuction completed as Swedish cabinet approved IMF debt dealThu Nov 20 2014 - 18:29
Icelandic banker jailed for actions during recessionFormer Landsbanki chief Sigurjon Arnason receives a one-year sentence but nine months suspendedThu Nov 20 2014 - 01:00
State cleared to pay IMF loans early after Swedish voteNext steps in repayment process could come next weekWed Nov 19 2014 - 16:19
Troika legal reforms now face delaysLegislation will break ban on solicitors and barristers working in same practiceWed Nov 19 2014 - 09:13
Swedish vote set to allow State pay IMF debt earlyCountry gave €600m in bilateral loans to IrelandWed Nov 19 2014 - 08:14
ECB pledge boosts European marketsAIB stock falls after warning from Minister on overvaluation of bankMon Nov 17 2014 - 19:43
AIB and other lenders can make plans to refinance after EU rulingEuropean Banking Authority says lenders have right to take on ‘higher quality’ debtSat Nov 15 2014 - 01:00
Irish vote against sovereign debt mechanism puzzlingMinister for Finance Michael Noonan ‘concerned’ over United Nation’s resolutionFri Nov 14 2014 - 18:13
Troika to raise property market policies and water debacleEU-IMF team return to Dublin next week for second post-bailout inspection of yearThu Nov 13 2014 - 01:05
MEP to call for mortgages with 10-year fixed ratesBrian Hayes will tell forum that introduction of long-term fixed rate home loans would help stabilise property marketTue Nov 11 2014 - 01:00
Irish banks increase scrutiny of Russian accountsIrish institutions now scrutinising all flows of money from Russian sources as ‘high risk’Tue Nov 11 2014 - 01:00
Oireachtas banking inquiry faces legal hurdle over ECBInquiry faces prospect of challenge in European Court of JusticeSat Nov 08 2014 - 08:26
Claim that ECB bounced us into bailout does not stack upGovernment’s refusal to face up to banking dilemma was seen as irresponsible follyFri Nov 07 2014 - 20:54
Letters between Brian Lenihan and Trichet pivotal in Irish historyThe Trichet letters reveal the huge pressure put on the Irish governmentFri Nov 07 2014 - 09:47
ECB says Irish policymakers to blame for economic crashBank denies Ireland pushed into bailout programme by TrichetFri Nov 07 2014 - 08:30
Mario Draghi insists ECB did not force Ireland into a bailout in 2010Michael Noonan says he would welcome attendance at Oireachtas inquiry by Jean-Claude TrichetFri Nov 07 2014 - 01:00
Bailout caused by Irish domestic crisis, says ECBBank dismisses claim Trichet letter forced Ireland into bail-out, publishes more lettersThu Nov 06 2014 - 19:30
Markets boosted by US mid-term election resultsAer Lingus, Ryanair, C&C and Smurfit Kappa are the main points of interest in DublinThu Nov 06 2014 - 01:00
State to pay back €10bn of IMF debt earlyCoalition increases planned repayment of €6.1bn by 2015 after successful bond saleWed Nov 05 2014 - 09:54
Good economic news dampened by water issuesAnalysis: Bleak European economic outlook still leaves some cause for cautionWed Nov 05 2014 - 00:27
Tax take is €1.1bn ahead of target on back of rising employment and growth in VAT receiptsExchequer figures show State collected €3.1bn in tax in OctoberTue Nov 04 2014 - 18:31
State raises €3.75bn in 15-year bond saleKenny says Government plans to repay IMF €10bn by end of yearTue Nov 04 2014 - 16:27
Bid to raise €3bn with new 15-year bond issueGovernment objective is to clear expensive IMF debt with cheaper debtTue Nov 04 2014 - 01:00
Minister dismisses commisioner’s proposal for internet copyright levyOettinger’s planned move would be contrary to EU principles, says Dara MurphySat Nov 01 2014 - 01:00
EU leaders pledge €1bn to Ebola battleIreland to contribute €16m to EU fund needed for equipment and to reinforce exit screening in areas struck by epidemic in west Africa, say leadersSat Oct 25 2014 - 09:41
€2.1bn bill further sours London’s relations with EULong shadow of debt crisis added to pressure on EU leaders at crunch summitSat Oct 25 2014 - 06:54
Mario Draghi warns euro leaders of ‘relapse into recession’European Central Bank chief urges more political action as bank stress test results dueSat Oct 25 2014 - 06:54
Ireland’s reliance on agriculture recognised in EU climate dealDairy industry can continue to grow without risk of EU fines for methane gas emissionsFri Oct 24 2014 - 07:13
Renzi indicates Italian budget cuts of up to €2bnPrime minister presses for change to EU fiscal policy to promote growthFri Oct 24 2014 - 01:00
'Comprehensive' changes to water rates consideredTaoiseach says new charges package to be announced in coming weeksFri Oct 24 2014 - 01:00
Mere survival not sufficient to restore euro-zone healthTwo months ago Mario Draghi signalled a tacit shift in ECB policyFri Oct 24 2014 - 01:00
Kenny warns of ‘difficult’ climate change talks at EU summitLeaders aiming to strike deal to reduce emissions by 40% between 2020 and 2030Thu Oct 23 2014 - 17:08
Taoiseach presses EU leaders for climate deal concessionsKenny to argue Republic’s dependence on agriculture should be factor in targetsThu Oct 23 2014 - 07:32
Global advances on technology earningsProspect of ECB bond purchases leads European stocks into positive territoryWed Oct 22 2014 - 01:00
Budget leaves Ireland exposed in rocky marketsVolatility a threat to growth prospectsFri Oct 17 2014 - 06:38
Officials examine 6.25% rate for new ‘knowledge box’ schemeGovernment moves to shore up investment after scrapping “Double Irish”Fri Oct 17 2014 - 06:38
Sky to take hit of €9m to absorb cost of VAT switchBoost for exchequer as Irish subscribers to pay tax in Republic, not UKFri Oct 17 2014 - 01:00
National debt and its servicing still weigh heavily on StateVarious ways to cut a likely 111% of GDP debt burden will soon be availableThu Oct 16 2014 - 11:44
Windfall levy failed to raise any fundsLevy of 80 per cent applied to gains on sale or development of land the value of which was attributed to planning decisionsThu Oct 16 2014 - 01:01
Taoiseach pledges to cut income tax rate again in next budgetKenny also promises further round of tax cuts in two years if Government is re-electedWed Oct 15 2014 - 15:48
Budget 2015: Noonan sets stage for more tax cutsCoalition emphasis on ‘the squeezed middle’, says Minister for FinanceWed Oct 15 2014 - 11:11
We are in the realm of modest gainThe net decrease in taxation is €418 million; and the net increase in day-to-day expenditure is €429 millionWed Oct 15 2014 - 08:10
No-one will feel poorer after budget - that’s the pointAnalysis: Strategy is to spread the largesse as widely among the populace as possibleTue Oct 14 2014 - 18:20