[He was an] outstanding organiser who brought Lenin himself to Ireland to see how the National Loan worked. – Enda Kenny speaking about Michael Collins at the annual Béal na Blá commemoration last weekend
The script contained an inaccurate reference which was not picked up in advance. It mistakenly stated Lenin came to Ireland but should have stated it brought Lenin's attention to Ireland to see how the National Loan worked. – A spokesman for the Taoiseach later in the week
Be proud to be a decent American rather than being just being a w**ker whipping up fear. – Michael D Higgins, who was at the time a Labour Party TD, in a 2010 debate with US talk show host and Tea Party supporter Michael Graham, which went "viral" on the internet this week
We cannot do anything that generates new uncertainty on the financial markets and lose trust, which Ireland is just at the point of winning back. – Germany's finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble explaining his opposition to any debt-relief proposal for Ireland