Transport policy failures

A chara, - I have walked, cycled, motorcycled and driven in Dublin for 15 years and watched as the traffic has just got heavier…

A chara, - I have walked, cycled, motorcycled and driven in Dublin for 15 years and watched as the traffic has just got heavier and heavier. Fifteen years ago I bought a car because the bus was stuck in traffic and today the bus is still stuck in traffic. Public transport continues to take second place to the car. Cycle or walk at your peril.

Our villages, towns and cities are completely choked with cars. Surely Mr Brennan and his Fianna Fáil coalition buddies are responsible - and ultimately Bertie Ahern? Fifteen years to develop a realistic public transport system.

Are they not "in charge"? - Is mise,

SAM COLBERT, South Circular Road, Dublin 8.