Sir, - I was most interested to read your article (January 30th) concerning the Grant of Arms to Mary Robinson, Uachtaran na …

Sir, - I was most interested to read your article (January 30th) concerning the Grant of Arms to Mary Robinson, Uachtaran na hEireann, though I was surprised that her full achievement did not include Supporters for her lifetime, since she is Chief of State. Now that, sadly, Dr Patricia Donlon has retired as Chief Herald, let us hope that wisdom will prevail and the Genealogical Office will be reconstituted as a separate institution.

Perhaps this would be a suitable moment to honour the memory of Dr Edward MacLysaght, probably the most distinguished Chief Herald since the institution of this State, by renaming the Genealogical Office which he considered a misnomer. He stated, in a letter to the Department of Education in 1947, that it ought to be called the Office of Arms, as he considered this would be both more accurate and appropriate. - Yours, etc.,

Luggala, Roundwood, Co Wicklow.