A chara, - Mrs Eve White (January 6th) is critical of Adi Roche's recent comments concerning the effects of the Chernobyl accident and patronisingly states that "she must be a very clever woman".
Adi Roche's tireless work for the Chernobyl Children's Project has included many visits to the areas affected and should ensure that her comments on the topic are treated with the utmost respect. Smug, snide comments are unfair and inappropriate when they concern somebody with such a background and who was selected to be the keynote speaker at the launch at UN Headquarters in Geneva of the International Chernobyl Research and Information Network Implementation (ICRIN) Plan in 2003.
I would suggest that Mrs Eva White gets a copy of the Oscar-winning documentary Chernobyl Heart which prominently features the work of Adi Roche's Chernobyl Children's Project. She might just find it will leave her reluctant to make further snide comments. - Is mise,
Whitehall Road,
Dublin 14.