Mandela message:The Special Olympics athletes were "ambassadors of the greatness of humankind", the former president of South Africa and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Mr Nelson Mandela, said as he opened the Games in Croke Park.
He was brought on stage by Bono, lead singer of U2, who introduced him as "the President of everywhere and everyone who loves and fights for freedom".
Mr Mandela, who was greeted with tumultuous applause, said few things in life could have given him greater pleasure or honour than to be associated with the Special Olympics: "I regard myself immensely privileged to be at this occasion tonight."
The Special Olympics gave "telling testimony to the indestructibility of the human spirit and of our capacity to overcome hardships and obstacles".
He continued: "You, the athletes, are ambassadors of the greatness of humankind. You inspire us to know that all obstacles to human achievement and progress are surmountable.Your achievements remind us of the potential that resides in every one of us."
He brought greetings from the Nelson Mandela Children's Fund:
"Through its work it seeks to ensure a future of hope for our children, many of whom have suffered great disadvantages in their lives."
The athletes were an example also to the children and youth of South Africa: "May the Games be enjoyable to you in the challenges it poses. May you continue to grow as individuals and persons. And may the world learn from your example."
Later in the evening, when the Olympic Torch was brought to Croke Park, Mr Mandela declared the Games officially open.