Man in Belfast court over deaths of two children

A man (42) has appeared before Belfast Magistrates' Court this morning charged with causing the deaths of two children by dangerous…

A man (42) has appeared before Belfast Magistrates' Court this morning charged with causing the deaths of two children by dangerous driving and grevious bodily harm of another child.

Mr Wayne Johnston from Highfield Drive, Belfast was arrested on Friday after his car crashed into a group walking in west Belfast.

Christopher Shaw (11) was killed after being struck by a car at the junction of the Falls Road and Springfield Road in west Belfast on Friday evening. Eight-year-old Emma Lynch died yesterday in hospital.

Darren Shaw, the dead boy's13-year-old brother,  remains seriously ill in hospital.


The two boys were walking with their father and eight-year-old sister and her friend, also eight, when the car hit a set of traffic lights before swerving onto the footpath. The car then veered back across the road and came to a halt when it struck a parked vehicle.

Mr Johnston  was granted bail but ordered not to drive pending his trial. He is due to reappear before the court next February.