The Labour Party is to hold a convention to select candidates to contest the European elections in Dublin next Saturday.
Three candidates have been nominated: Ms Ivana Bacik, Mr Proinsias De Rossa MEP and Mr Nap Keeling. A result is expected on the evening following the convention.
The selection of Labour's candidate has traditionally created internal dissent.
At the last euro elections in 1999 Labour added Mr De Rossa to the ticket alongside outgoing Labour MEP Ms Bernie Malone. Mr De Rossa took the seat at Ms Malone's expense.
At the previsous election in 1994, then RTE journalist - now BBC Middle East correspondent - Ms Orla Guerin was copntroversially added to the ticket by central office.
The convention will coincide with a major recruitment campaign, involving virtually every party branch and constituency in the country in the most concerted effort ever undertaken by the party to attract new members.