Ireland spends most on alcohol, says report

Ireland spends significantly more per capita on alcohol than any other country in the world, according to a report to be published…

Ireland spends significantly more per capita on alcohol than any other country in the world, according to a report to be published by the Economistmagazine tomorrow.

The statistic is contained in the 'Pocket World in Figures 2004' which is published annually by the Economist. It shows that for every man, woman and child in the State over €1,100 per year is spent on alcohol, an amount which is more than France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, and the Netherlands combined.

The study analyses economic, social, and other statistical data for 177 countries worldwide.

It also shows that the Republic has the third highest rate of cigarette consumption in the EU with an average of almost five cigarettes being smoked per day per person.


Unsurprisingly then, the figures also show that the Republic also has the highest rate of heart attacks in the world.