Hardship for students as local authorities delay paying grants

The Department of Education and Science has urged local authorities to promptly pay student grants.

The Department of Education and Science has urged local authorities to promptly pay student grants.

Delays in payment of student maintenance grants by county councils and VECs are preventing many students from attending lectures, the college library or even officially registering with their college, the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) warned last night.

The Department gives the money to local authorities, who then have the job of paying the money out to students.

Students who receive a grant do not have to pay the college registration fee of €670. However, they have to present proof to college administrators that they are in receipt of the grant, and many county councils and VECs have yet to provide students with letters verifying that they are entitled to the payment.


Ms Brighid Breathnach, USI's education officer, said: "Thousands of students around the country have yet to receive their grant payments, a tough situation which is forcing many to borrow further from their families and from banks."

Some students haven't even received letters about their entitlements. The letters are required as proof by universities before a student is exempted from the maintenance grant.

As a result, many students have not been issued with a college identification card, which means they cannot use the library and other facilities.

USI has also heard from students who have not been allowed attend lectures because of the registration confusion.

Some colleges have already issued students with bills of €150 for late payment, despite the fact they are not liable to pay the charge in the first place.