Half of all voters believe their politicians are corrupt according to an opinion poll in today's Sunday Tribune.
The IMS poll also shows that only 5 per cent of those polled believe politicians are honest or efficient.
Just over 70 per cent of those polled said they were dissatisfied with the Government which compares unfavorably with a poll tow years ago which showed that 64 per cent were satisfied with the Government.
When asked to chose two words from a list of positive and negative words to describe politicians fifty per cent chose the word "corrupt"; 46 per cent said "self-serving", 27 per cent "incompetent"; and 22 per cent "lazy".
The positive words got a much lower ranking. Minus 17 per cent said politicians were "hard-working"; 8 per cent "public spirited"; and 5 per cent each for "efficient" and "honest".