A senior SDLP member has accused the Irishand British Governments today of "betraying" the principle of inclusivity in thepeace process negotiations.
Former Belfast Lord Mayor Alban Maginness criticised the two governments forfocusing on the Ulster Unionists and Sinn F&eacite;in, who he said had "consistentlyand persistently" been in breach of the agreement over the last five years.
The North Belfast councillor told RTE: "The IrishGovernment will have to explain their position to the Irish people and to allits Dáil Eireann.
"That is a matter for the Irish Government. What the Irish Government hasdone is to betray the principle of inclusivity - that principle which was sovital to the creation and the shaping and the formation of the Agreement.
"The Irish Government seems to have turned its back on that principle ofinclusivity and indeed so has the British Government.
"It is up to Tony Blair and it is up to Bertie Ahern to explain to thedemocratic forces within Ireland and Britain why they have done this."