Call for big cuts in film industry support

Film industry: A big reduction in State support for the film industry is called for in the ESRI review

Film industry: A big reduction in State support for the film industry is called for in the ESRI review. Despite claims that the move would cost thousands of jobs, the review says public provision for the industry should be "much less generous from now on".

Film industry and union representatives claim the Government's decision to end the special tax relief scheme for the sector from the end of this year will result in large-scale job losses.

SIPTU, which has called for an urgent review of the decision, claims that 4,000 direct jobs and a further 3,000 in transport, catering and tourism are at risk.

The ESRI, however, came out firmly yesterday against maintaining a high level of State support for the industry.


It said supporting the film sector had led to growing output and employment in what had been an "infant industry". Further support should be provided as part of "broad support for cultural activities".

"The industry should then compete against other cultural activities to attract future funding," the review said.

This was in line with recommendations it had made elsewhere in the review about the need for enterprises to compete on a broad scale for public funds, the ESRI said.

Chris Dooley

Chris Dooley

Chris Dooley is Foreign Editor of The Irish Times