Beethoven focus in NSO concert series

RTE has announced details of the 1999/2000 series of subscription concerts by the National Symphony Orchestra

RTE has announced details of the 1999/2000 series of subscription concerts by the National Symphony Orchestra. Beethoven is the dominating figure. He is featured through the complete symphonies, mostly under the principal conductor, Alexander Anissimov. Anissimov has chosen to include a rarely-heard completion of the Tenth. There will also be a series of the five piano concertos, all with Irish soloists.

The concerts will also focus on Wagner, with scenes from a number of his operas. Only one work by a living non-Irish composer (Giya Kancheli's Mourned by the Wind) will be on offer, but there are five new works from locally-based composers, Jane O'Leary, John Kinsella, James Wilson, Benjamin Dwyer, and Raymond Deane. The top ticket prices have increased to £11 and £14. The choir balcony tickets have been reduced to £5.

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan is a music critic and Irish Times contributor