4 gardai could face criminal charges

Four members of the Garda could face criminal charges as a result of the recommendations of the investigation report into corruption…

Four members of the Garda could face criminal charges as a result of the recommendations of the investigation report into corruption in the force in Co Donegal, it has been learned.

Up to three civilians may also face a number of charges including possible prosecution for wasting police time after they gave false information to the team headed by the Assistant Garda Commissioner, Mr Kevin Carty.

The report, understood to contain six files, will be submitted to the DPP today. The Minister for Justice, Mr O'Donoghue, will also receive a copy of the report.

However, a Garda source stressed that the DPP would examine the evidence and come to his own conclusion on how many people should be charged in relation to various aspects of the controversy.


On Wednesday it was announced that five members of the force have been transferred from the Donegal division, including a chief superintendent and two superintendents. It is understood none of the officers has indicated he will oppose the transfer order.

A Garda spokesman yesterday described the transfers as the start of a process. He said the Garda Commissioner, Mr Pat Byrne, had the power to instigate disciplinary proceedings against members of the force in advance of any decision by the DPP.

An investigation headed by the Assistant Garda Commissioner, Mr Fachtna Murphy, into allegations against senior officers brought to the attention of Mr Jim Higgins of Fine Gael and Mr Brendan Howlin of the Labour Party will continue next week.