Users' stories

Who? 26-year-old female trainee solicitor

Who? 26-year-old female trainee solicitor

When do you take E? I was never a heavy user; one pill per night max, out at dance events. But I haven't taken it for six months now and don't plan to again.

What's the attraction? The heightened senses. But it makes you feel horrible the next day. You go from a real high to a real low so it's not worth it.

Any bad experiences? I never had a bad experience on it but I went out a few nights, didn't take it and saw the effect it had on others who had. There's a recklessness and a lack of respect when you're on a substance like that.


Who? 24-year-old male farmer

When do you take E? Last summer I took it more or less every weekend when out dancing with mates. When I first took it four years ago I was taking it every three months or so.

What's the attraction? My hearing gets a lot crisper, I get a lot more energy and enthusiasm whereas with drink I have to drink a lot to get up and start dancing.

Any bad experiences? One time I didn't have the best of buzz and freaked out a bit but I took it again. I've more or less given it up now for medical reasons. I've had my stint.

Who? 25-year-old female photographer

Why do you take E? I don't go out with the intention of taking it but I probably take it about once a month. I've only ever taken it when out dancing. I've never had it at a house party, always in clubs.

What's the attraction? The ultimate feeling of happiness. As I say I've never had a bad experience. It's the complete feeling of elation. You're grinning from ear to ear and life can't get any better.

Any bad experiences? The next day you are obviously wrecked because you've been dancing all night. And the downside is you chew your gums because you're so into the music.

Who? 27-year-old male dentist

Why do you take E? I get bored of socialising without that buzz.

What are the attractions? When you're on E and have the right music it definitely stimulates the experience.

Any bad experiences? It once got a bit freaky with a very heavy feeling on the head, very warpy like. After taking E the few days after are horrendous.

Who? 39-year-old male project manager

Why do you take E? Because in a social situation it's perfect for clubbing - much better than drink.

What are the attractions? You have absolutely no inhibitions. You're whole sense of self disappears and you're at one with everyone.

Any bad experiences? No, but I don't think it's healthy to take it every weekend.

Compiled by Iva Pocock