Homage to Paderewski

Jonathan Plowright (piano) Hyperion CDA 67903 ****

Jonathan Plowright (piano) Hyperion CDA 67903****

This homage to Polish pianist, composer and statesman Ignacy Jan Paderewski (prime minister of the Polish Republic, signatory of the Treaty of Versailles) is not actually a selection of his music. It’s a recording of an album of works commissioned to mark the golden jubilee of his first US tour (all 17 composers involved were US residents at the time), plus a handful of other works dedicated to him. Paderewski’s death in 1941 caused a delay, and the publication appeared as a posthumous tribute in 1942. The best-known contributors are Bartók, Britten (who mistakenly wrote a piece for two pianos), Milhaud and Martinu. The tone is often nostalgic, with references to Polish folk music and to the music of Chopin – Paderewski was the most celebrated Chopin player of his time. And, in Jonathan Plowright’s affectionate performances, this unusual cross-section of mid-20th- century, mostly romantic piano music have a gentle allure. See url.ie/4qdb

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan is a music critic and Irish Times contributor