Crash Ensemble/Alan Pierson

Samuel Beckett Centre, TCD, Dublin Fri 8pm €20 01-8962461

Samuel Beckett Centre, TCD, Dublin Fri 8pm €20 01-8962461

It’s a real case of back to their roots this Friday for the members of the Crash Ensemble. They’re celebrating the work of Dutch composer Louis Andriessen a day before his 70th birthday. Andriessen, the leading light of European minimalism, was the subject of Crash’s first- ever concert back in 1997.

And they're pairing Andriessen's work with pieces by David Lang, one of the founders of New York's Bang on a Can All-Stars, the group on which the Crash Ensemble itself is modelled. Friday's programme includes Lang's Cheating Lying Stealing, Pierced, and Memory Pieces, and Andriessen's Trepidus, Garden of Erosand Workers Union.

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan is a music critic and Irish Times contributor