Department breakfast meetings go cold

Talk about busy. The Margin was impressed to learn there is a file in the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment entitled…

Talk about busy. The Margin was impressed to learn there is a file in the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment entitled Tanaiste's Breakfast Meetings.

It seems the indefatigable Ms Harney has established the practice of having breakfast meetings with company managing directors so as that she and her Department are better informed about the needs of industry.

A Freedom-of-Information request for the file revealed there had only been one meeting since April 21st - the date the Freedom of Information Act came into effect. Six Cork-based executives met with the Tanaiste in May in Cork for an 8.30 a.m. discussion on industry's needs.

Other such meetings had been set up, the Margin has been reliably informed, but had to be cancelled because Ms Harney was too busy and couldn't fit them in.


In the previous Government, the main breakfast-meeting Minister was none other than Ruairi Quinn, who regularly had his croissants with the captains of industry.